Cha Cha Exam


Fichas sobre Cha Cha Exam, creado por kristen.pecarski el 13/06/2014.
Fichas por kristen.pecarski, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por kristen.pecarski hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Behaviourism how society, people, or culture influence or promote a certain trait or behaviour
Anarchists State of disorder because there is no government.
Alienation the state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity
Learning Theory an attempt to describe how people learn. Helping us understand the complex process of learning. People dictate norms, we learn from others and society.
Technosis Fear of technology
Luddite person opposed to the increase of technology
Symbolic Interactionism individual mental process; how we see ourselves through the lens of society
Anomies Durkheim's term for the condition of industrial workers who seemed to be without roots or norms as they struggle to survive.
Psychoanalytic Theory the ID the ego and the super ego
Classification of Cultures Shared qualities of different cultures
Restorative Justice A relatively new approach to prevent continued deviance. Offender participates in discussion groups and is conditioned to not deviate again
Factors for Social Change Factors that encourage society to change it’s norms
Marshall McLuhan “Any technology or medium is the extension of some human quality” Technology expands human existence (language is an extension of human, thought = writing etc)
Structuralism examines human cognition, behaviour, culture, experience. Looks at system and patterns of human behaviour.
Enculturation Process by which members of a culture learn and internalize shared ideas, values, and beliefs, usually from another culture/country
Functionalism An ideology based on the belief that society is a logical institution that functions in the best interests of the majority
norms societies social construct of rules
Inclusionism The study of factors leading an individual to be included or alienated from society
Future Shock State of distress due to technological change (captain america)
Feminist Theory The theory of equality for all genders from a female perspective
Participant Observation Anthropologist who participate in the culture to study it
Cultural Materialism The school of thought asking how population and economic factors influence the type of culture that develops and what are the laws of development that apply to all cultures.
Ethnocentrism The learned belief that your own culture is superior to others (judging another culture according to your own cultural values).
Structural Functionalism sociological theory that attempts to explain why society functions the way it does by focusing on the relationships between the various social institutions
Ethnography the study of the customs of individual peoples and cultures.
Sphere of Influence a country or area that has influence over a culture and has power to make developments although it has no formal authority
Invention Combining elements and materials to form new ones
Discovery Discovering a new way of viewing reality and discovering and timing initiate social change
Diffusion spread of a discovery and acceptance of discovery
development progress of social or institutional aspects of a culture
trade challenges the challenges in trading due to social, political, and economic conditions
war bride Foreign women marrying western soldiers
exploitation Treating someone unfairly to benefit from their work
population pyramid vertical bar graph divided by sex showing age of members of a particular society
Horticulture, Domestication taming of plants and animal for use of human advancement
suburbia created to compromise between rural and urban living to raise a family
Food Security The long term availability and abundance of food. eg: Access to vegetables in Nunavut
counter culture a sub-culture that has opposing values to those of the culture that would be considered “mainstream”
Morbidity The rate of sickness or disease in a population
political activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, or direct social, political, economic, or environmental change
Communism An ideology focused on sharing resources equally
birth control pill a pill that controls your ability to conceive
Cohort People within the same age group on a population pyramid example: 20-25 age group is a Cohort
life expectancy how long you are expected to survive in this cruel dark world
Baby Boomer The disproportionately large generation born after the Second World War who were teenagers and young adults during the 60’s
fertility the condition, quality, or degree of being fertile
fecundity the ability to reproduce
fertile able to concieve
Generation X Generation after baby boomers, earl 1960s to mid 70s
birth rate The average number of birth per 1000 people (both sexes, all ages) in a country during a particular year
Fertility Rate The actual number of children had by women
natural increase/decrease decrease: in demography a negative population balance where countries death rate exceeds its birth rate increase: ...birth rate exceeds its death rate.
Global Village McLuhan’s principle that the world is a single community
Richard Robertson- Relativization belief that relationship between self and society is vital to our identity. As the world system changes the outlooks of both our society and ourselves change as wel
Neo-Marxism A theory that sees globalization as a negative force because capitalism places humans in direct competition with each other
Financial security where a person has enough money to sustain themselves on a day to day basis, and even in financial crisis
Paradigm (environment and Dominant) A group of ideas of how something should be done, made, or thought of
Anthony Giddens- Disembedding A term describing the process by which people put their faith in abstract, largely anonymous systems such as financial institutions, airplane companies, and web browsers
Tension and adaptation The structural functionalists belief that social change results from a process of tension between one aspect of society and the rest
Deterritorialization the observation that distinct cultures are no longer firmly attached, in relative isolation, to specific regions of the world
Globalization The coming together of regional, national, and continental organizations to integrate the entire world into one economic system
Conflict Theory Karl Marx. Conflict exists in groups because of inequalities in power (wealth)
Strain Theory When someone cannot achieve a goal through institutional means, they may experience frustration and perform deviant acts to attain the desired goal
labelling theory Two people perform an action, only one is labeled deviant
Acculturation The adoption of cultural practices of one culture by another
Differential Association Theory Others influence your deviance
Accumulation Model The school of thought saying that human knowledge is acquired through accumulation where generations teach younger generations and develop new ways of doing things
Control Theory You perform deviant acts if you feel closer to the deviating group than with the rest of society
Martin Albrow Invented the theory that globalization is a recent phenomenon that came from the collapse of Soviet communism in 1990 and the concentration of global capital
Millennials Generation Z, those born from 1990-1999. Tech-savvy but not tech experts
Changes in Agriculture/land use Tools and methods used to increase crop yield
development the advancement or regression of an aspect of society (Economy, culture, health care etc)
Cultural Lag the view that while some members of society adapt to technological innovation, others lag behind the new discovery
Secondary Deviance acts leading to the perpetrator being seen as deviant person and living according to this deviant identity
Technostress a reliance on technology that results in tremendous anxiety when the technology in not functioning properly
Echo/Generation Y a term used for a group born between 1980-1995, most of them the children of parents born during the baby boom
Primary Deviance deviation by someone who is seen as a conformist
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Clasificación de las Tesis
Capitales del Mundo y Curiosidades
maya velasquez
Que compuestos quimicos inorganicos se encuentran en:
Marcelo Rios Vega
Disoluciones Químicas
maya velasquez
Deeper Learning
Maya V.
5 Pasos para el Éxito en el Aprendizaje_2
Diego Santos
Las partes del cuerpo en francés
Mónica Sánz
irregular verbs
Rosalia Ruiz Jurado
Romina Andrea C Pino
Transcripcion del ADN
Paula Correa