

War and Society Fichas sobre Virtues, creado por SteveT el 24/05/2013.
Fichas por SteveT, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por SteveT hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
How can virtues be instilled? Taught and practised
Who talks about horizontal and vertical loyalty? John Kleinig
What does WHO warn is a problem with instilling virtues in the military? Patrick Mileham - Has to be morally persuasive. Education by punishment ineffective
What does WHO warn is the problem with the military using group cohesion to foster physical courage? Peter Olsthoorn - group cohesion can undermine moral courage and integrity
What three factors does Per Sandin say a virtue has? Beneficial to the agent and to moral patients, engages the will and is thus not a skill, is corrective
What does WHO warn is a problem with WHAT virtue? Stephen Coleman - Friction between loyalty to cause, what is right, and group
What does 'lying in the mean' mean? Taking the middle ground between vices
What five factors assist the development of practical wisdom? Education, training, advice from others, learning from examples, constant practice
What does David Fisher think about Practical Wisdom? Most important virtue
HOW does WHO describe practical wisdom? Peter Geach - a habit of sound judgement about practical situations
What is David Fisher's definition of virtues? Virtue is a character trait that manifests itself in choosing the right action – the action that will better promote the welfare of those affected or prevent harm than available alternatives – determined by a rational principle that the person of practical wisdom would apply
Why are the virtues useful for the military? Key to mitigate risks of fog of war, temp, and confusion
What are the four cardinal virtues? Justice, practical wisdom, courage, self-control
What does Fisher say that practical wisdom is useful for? Apply Just War principles
What two facets can courage be broken down into? Moral courage and physical courage
How can we define courage? Learning how to deal with fear without letting it cloud your judgement
What two reasons could the military require Self-Control for? Maintain physical fitness, control urge for revenge in combat (Strategic corporal)
What's the first example of the abuse of virtues? German Reserve Police Battalion 101 - July 1942
Who wrote about reserve police battalion 101? Christopher Browning
How many of the RPB carried out the order? 85%
Which virtues were misused with the GRPB case? Obedience and loyalty
What is the second incident reference the misuse of virtues? Basra 14 Sep 2003 - death of Baha Mousa
Which report on Baha Mousa blamed a lack of virtues? Aitken report - loyalty to colleagues over integrity
What did the Gage Report say reference virtues and Baha Mousa? Lack of discipline and moral courage to report abuse
What does Sir John Hackett say virtues are for the profession of arms? Functionally indispensable
What does Sir John Hackett say virtues contribute to? Military efficiency
What is the Aristotle definition of virtues? Virtue is a character trait that manifests itself in choice, lying in a mean that is relative to us, this being determined by a rational principle by which the man of practical wisdom would determine it
What is a character trait? Effects how people act - ability to chose right from wrong
How do people gain character traits? Built over years of development
Who discusses habits? James Williams - people become 'walking bundles of habits'
What do virtuous conduct depend on? On the reasons from which they spring - the desires and beliefs of the agent
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