Psychology Year 1- Biological Level of Analysis


Fichas sobre Psychology Year 1- Biological Level of Analysis, creado por juliegiyer el 16/09/2014.
Fichas por juliegiyer, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por juliegiyer hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Localisation of brain functions 1- Phineas Gage- 2- HM
BLOA- Principle 1: There are biological correlates to behaviour 1- Newcomer (1999): Effect of the stress hormone- cortisol on declarative memory- tablets containing cortisol 2- Martinez and Kesner (1991): on role of neurotransmitter Acetylcholine in learning and memory- Rats/ Maze/Food/Injection of Scopolamine/Physostigmine
BLOA- Principle 2 Animal research can provide insight into human behaviour Rozenzweig and Bennet (1972)- experiment to study role of environmental factors on brain plasticity. Rats/ enriched- not enriched/ 30/60 days/ killed/thicker layer of neuron in cortex
BLOA- Principle 3 Human behavior is to some extent genetically based Bouchard et al (1990) - Minnesota Twin Study- longitudinal study investigating the relative role of genes in IQ
Effects of neurotransmission on human behaviour Key words- Nerve impluse/ synaptic gap/ reuptake/ receptor sites/ binding; blocked or replaced Berridge and Kringelbach (2009)- fMRI scans to study areas of brain related to subjective experience of pleasure. Fisher (2004) on addiction of love
The function of two hormones on human behavior Oxytocin and Trust- Baumgartner et al (2008) role of oxytocin on economic behaviour. fMRI scans/ injected with oxytocin or placebo via nasal spray Cortisol and Memory- Newcomer et al (1999) how levels of cortisol interfere with verbal declarative memory- 51 participants/ 18-30 yrs/ high level cortisol tablet/ low level tablet/placebo- check effect
Effects of environment on physiological processess Bremner et al (2003)- used MRI scans to measure the volume of hippocampus based on theory that prolonged stress reduces volume of hippocampus. Veterans/ adults- childhood sexual absues 2- Rosenweig, Bennet et al (1972) Rats in enriched/ non enriched environment
Interaction between cognition and physiology in terms of behaviour Cue- can also be used for brain imaging 1.Davidson et al (2004) whether meditation can change brain activity; 8 monks /10 students; Cognitive activity measured using EEG- level and activation of gamma waves/ attention and affective process can be trained 2.Vestergaard-Poulsen et al (2009) extensive practise of meditation can cause structural changes in lower brain stem; MRI scan used
Use of brain imaging technologies in investigating relationship between biological factors and behaviour Brain imaging helps advance understanding of possible relationship between biological factors and behaviors but it is not possible to determine cause and effect relationships 1.MRI-Ashtari et al (2009) whether substance abuse can damage in brain of adolescents and young adults-14 drug users/ 12 non users control group 2.fMRI- Harris and Fiske (2006) studied students brain processess as a response to pictures of extreme outgroups; medial prefrontal cortex active when looking at humans but not objects; object reaction to homeless/addicts
Extent to which genetics influences behaviour 1- Capsi et al (2003) Longitudinal study on possible role of 5-HTT gene in depression. Influences level of serotonin; participants who carried 5-HTT gene mutation and had experienced stressful situation more likely to become depressed
Evolutionary explanation of behaviour Theory of evolution suggested by Charles Darwin. Organisms that adapt best have a greater chance of passing on genes. Natural selection 1.Fessler et al (2005) Elevated levels of disgust sensitivity in first trimester of pregnancy 2.Curtis et al (2004) internet research on patterns in people's disgust reponse
Ethical considerations in genetic research 1- use of information collected 2- knowledge about specific gene in behaviour limited so have to be careful about conclusions 3- Genetic research correlational by nature so no definitive conclusions 4- Certain research controversial- like homosexuality so can lead to stigmatization 5- Anonymity and confidentiality Research e.g- Caspi et al (2003) 5 HTT gene for depression
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