Chapter 11 Flashcards


Fichas sobre Chapter 11 Flashcards , creado por Alyssa Megginson el 02/04/2019.
Alyssa Megginson
Fichas por Alyssa Megginson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alyssa Megginson
Creado por Alyssa Megginson hace alrededor de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Depression a severe, long-term downturn in the economy of a country or region. production falls off sharply as unemployment rises
Totalitarianism a form of government in which a strong government tries to control all the aspects of political, economic, and social life of its people
Fascism a system of government that: •Demands total obedience to a dictator •Uses force and censorship to eliminate opposition. •Preaches an extreme form of nationalism. •Glorifies militarism
Collective Farms organized and controlled by the state, with multiple families on each farm
Indoctrination teaching meant to impose or favor a particular point of view
Joseph Stalin - created a secret police force to enforce state control. - eliminated all opposition through mass arrests and murders - Great Purge
Adolf Hitler - studied Mussolini’s successes and played on the emotions of the German people. - Nazi
Benito Mussolini - Mussolini promised to restore the glory of ancient Rome. - Mussolini’s bold promises and forceful tactics kept him in power.
Hideki Tojo -A group of Japanese military officers led by Hideki Tojo believed that military conquest was the only way to obtain raw materials.
The Soviet Union
Fascist Italy
Weimar Republic
Japan in the 1930s
Countries that didn't join the League of Nations The USSR and US
Countries controlled by the Mandate System –Great Britain: Iraq, Transjordan, and Palestine –France: Syria and Lebanon
Causes of the Great Depression –German war reparations –US dominance of the global economy. –High protective tariffs –Excessive expansion of credit –The Stock Market Crash of 1929.
The event that began the Great Depression economic turndown
Impacts of the Great Depression –Industrialized countries faced high unemployment. –banks failed and credit collapsed. –Prices for food and goods collapsed around the world. –Totalitarian regimes gained power and influence
Five Year Plans Stalin helped develop a system for rapid economic growth called 5 year plans. –Each 5 year plan dealt with all aspects of development such as capital goods, consumer goods, agriculture, and transportation –The first such plan, from 1928-1933, was very successful and completed a year early in 1932.
The Great Purge Stalin eliminated all opposition through mass arrests and murders
The country Italy conquered in 1936 Ethiopia
Who Hitler blamed for Germany's problems Jews
Territories conquered by Japan in the 1930s Korea and Manchuria
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