English Techniques


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Fichas por hannahlily973, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por hannahlily973 hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Metaphor Comparing 2 things- - saying that one is the other
Tone The manner or style of the language in the text
Statistics and facts Gives authority to your text
Cumulation Listing for effect
Oxymoron Two opposites- burning ice, bitter sweet
Simile Comparing two things using ‘like’ or ‘as’
Emotive language Using strong words to play on the readers emotions
Rhetorical Question A question that does not require an answer
Alliteration Repetition of consonant sounds
Personification Giving an object human traits
Onomatopoeia Words that say how they sound
Hyperbole Excessive exaggeration
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