cd,md,rd specifics


closer look on what you can do with cd, md, and rd
Jessica Rizo
Fichas por Jessica Rizo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jessica Rizo
Creado por Jessica Rizo hace alrededor de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
cd[path] changes to specified directory
cd /d[drive:][path] changes to the specified directory on the drive
cd . . changes to the directory that is up one level
cd \ changes to the root directory of the drive
md [drive:][path] makes a directory in the specifies path. if you don't a path, the directory ill be created in your current directory
rd[drive:][path] removes (deletes) the specified directory
rd /s [drive:][path] removes all the directories and files in the specified directory, including the specified directory itself
rd /q[drive:][path] quiet mode you won't be asked if you want to delete the specified directory when using /s
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