Mielke Chapter 3


Fichas sobre Mielke Chapter 3, creado por alexisjeanette el 11/11/2013.
Fichas por alexisjeanette, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por alexisjeanette hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Genetic drift is... all
What produces new alleles at a locus? mutation
Which of the following answers is the appropriate explanation for this phenomenon: In most species of non-domesticated animals, coat color tends to be various shades of gray and brown. Very few individuals are white unless they are members of a species that acquires a white winter coat. (Hint: white is highly visible except in snow, and moreover, lack of pigment reduces protection from ultraviolet radiation.) natural selection
Britain's Queen Victoria was a carrier for the allele that causes hemophilia and she passed this allele on to some of her descendants. However, there is absolutely no evidence of anyone in Queen Victoria's ancestry having hemophilia. What is the most likely explanation for her possessing the hemophilia allele? mutation
Founder's Effect is a form of genetic drift. true
Breeding populations (or demes) are the equivalent of species. false; Breeding populations (demes) are subdivisions within a species.
Evolution can be seen as a two-stage process that includes variation and natural selection
What can cause allele frequencies to change in populations? all
Inbreeding is considered an evolutionary force because it can change allele frequencies in the population. false; It does not change allele frequencies. It causes increased homozygosity (ie. it changes genotypic frequencies).
An example of microevolution would be a and c only
If one parent is heterozygous for a dominant trait, and the other parent is homozygous recessive, then there is a ____ chance of having an affected child. 50%
Which of the following answers is the appropriate explanation for this phenomenon: The inhabitants of the island of Tristan da Cunha are all descended from one family and a few sailors. The incidence of a rare eye disorder is much higher in these islanders than in other human populations. Presumably, at least one of the original island settlers carried the allele for the trait. The disorder has an abnormally high frequency in this small population because many or most can trace descent from this one member of a small group of colonists. founder effect
What is the single source of new genetic material in any population? mutation
Both consanguinity (inbreeding) and negative assortative mating tend to result in high levels of heterozygosity (numerous heterozygotes) in the breeding population. false; Inbreeding tends to increase homozygosity not heterozygosity. Remember the Blue Fugates of Kentucky.
Which of the following answers is the appropriate explanation for this phenomenon: In a group of hunter-gatherers, there were no individuals with blood type B. But, a few generations after this group had begun exchanging mating partners with another group, there were several members with blood type B. gene flow
The fact that human babies tend to be born within a narrow range of weights is thought to be the product of directional selection. false; more likely stabilizing selection
Gene flow is defined as the exchange of genes within populations
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