Proyecto de ingles


Juan Ruiz de Rato and Sara Conyngham Fernández
Fichas por sconynghamf, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por sconynghamf hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Present simple: 93% of teenagers in the USA are online Use: it is referring to a fact
Past simple: Technology was part of everyday life for her family Use: things that happened in the past
Past continuous: They were using several electronic devices simultaneously Use: things that were happening at the same time in the past
Past perfect: It had altered everything about her family life Use: actions that happened in the past before another one
Passive voice: No electronic devices were allowed in the house Use: when the action is more important than the Person that Does it
Reported speech: She said it had changed the way they lived Use: to repeat the things that someone said earlier
Linking word: They were very unhappy about it. However, they got used to their new way of life Use: to contrast two pieces of information
If we were to go through this experiment... We would find... ...communicating the most difficult thing
The thing we would enjoy more... ....would be having more free time
Instead of beeing online... ...we would use the time to read
We would keep contact with friends... meeting them after school
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