

(Additional) Physics Fichas sobre Untitled_1, creado por ryangriscti el 17/11/2013.
Fichas por ryangriscti, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por ryangriscti hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Action force The force exerted by one object or another, which is matched by a reaction force that the second object exerts on the first object
Reaction force The force exerted by one object on another in response to an action force that the second object exerts on the first object
Resultant force The overall force resulting from a combination of separate forces
Accelerates The rate of change of velocity over time; measured in m/s squared
Gradient The slope of a graph showing the relationship between between the two variables
Deceleration Negative acceleration, that is, the rate of change of velocity over time; measured in m/s squared, when the object is slowing down
Stopping distance Thinking distance + braking distance
Thinking distance The time it takes for a driver to recognise a hazard and apply the brakes
Braking distance The distance taken to stop from the moment braking begins
Turbulence Rough flow
Terminal velocity The velocity at which the air resistance on a falling object exactly balances the force of gravity so that the resultant force is zero and no further acceleration occurs
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