Book 2 Chapter 2


Fichas sobre Book 2 Chapter 2, creado por mar9 el 18/11/2013.
Fichas por mar9, actualizado hace más de 1 año
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Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
prender 1. to fasten, to attach 2. to take into custody 3. to ignite, set fire to something
procurar 1. to obtain 2. to make sure, to assure
sorna sarcasm, irony
enhorabuena congratulations
ensimismado 1. lost in thought, day dreaming 2. engrossed 3. absorbed
erguirse 1. to stand up straight 2. to rise
De pronto 1. suddenly 2. all of sudden
empapar 1. to soak, to seep 2. to absorb, to imbibe 3. to drench, to saturate
escarabajo 1. scarab 2. beetle
emplear 1. to use, to employ, to utilize 2. to hire, to contract
montón 1. a pile or heap 2. a great quantity of something
seto hedge
abatido 1. downcast 2. depressed, dispirited
esmoquin 1. tuxedo 2. dinner suit
inmediaciones 1. vicinity 2. surroundings
pasadizo passage (n)
añorar to miss, to yearn for
desagrado displeasure
estrechamente 1. closely or exactly (adv) 2. painstakingly or rigorously 3. intensely or intimately
rabillo 1. stalk (n) 2. strap
encarnado 1. flesh colored 2. ingrowing, stuck in or embedded
puño 1. handful or grip 2. fist 3. cuff of a shirt
sien temple (head)
bramar 1. to roar, to howl, to wail, to shout
alarido 1. shriek (n) 2. yell (n) 3. battle cry (n)
sacudir 1. to shake off, to dump, to get rid of 2. to shake something dry
talante 1. mood 2. humour 3. frame of mind or disposition
colgar 1. to hang or put up 2. to upload or post
trasero 1. rear (adj) 2. backside (n) 3. butt
énfasis 1. emphasis or stress 2. emphatically (adv)
portería 1. front desk, lobby, reception 2. checkpoint 3. goal (sports)
ahogar 1. to drown 2. to stifle 3. to swamp or smother
estruendo 1. a loud noise 2. turmoil, confusion, uproar 3. pomp, ostentation
eructo burp or belch (n)
acaso 1. perhaps 2. maybe
débil 1. weak, wimpy 2. feeble 3. faint (adj)
dominar 1. to control, dominate 2. to be fluent, to have command of something
quejarse to whine, to groan, to complain
procendente 1. coming from 2. appropriate, applicable, fitting, proper
ulular to hoot, to howl
cumplido 1. polite, thoughtful 2. a compliment 3. generous, ample
semblante 1. demeanor, countenance (n) 2. similar (adj)
enderezarse 1. to stand upright, to straighten 2. to rectify, to settle, to sort out
grueso 1. thick 2. corpulent or fat 3. bulk
corroborar 1. to corroborate 2. to confirm
esbozo 1. a rough draft 2. a hint, glimpse or suggestion 3. a sketch, illustration or sample
redacción 1. composition, essay paper 2. editorial department or editorial office
embelesado entranced, spellbound, or captivaded
enseguida 1. immediately, promptly, right afterward 2. next to, beside
descomunal colossal, enormous or gigantic
amargura 1. bitterness 2. grief, sorrow, sadness
revoclar 1. to knock over, to send rolling 2. to humiliate
librar 1. to be free 2. to put up a fight 3. to issue or write out
enterar 1. to inform, to tell or to notify 2. to pay or remit
tenebroso 1. gloomy, dark, dismal 2. shady, sinister
hechicero 1. sorcerer, wizard, witch 2. captivating, bewitching
maldición 1. curse, damnation 2. swearing 3. hex, curse, spell
vestigio traces or remains
delgado thin, slim, slender, or skinny
azabache jet black, black as night
flacucho scrawny or scraggy
carecer to lack or to not have
hechizo a spell or enchantment
alacena 1. cupboard 2. closet
baúl trunk (for clothes)
en cuanto as soon as
sonoro 1. resounding or loud 2. resonant
estallar 1. to burst or blow out 2. to explode, to shatter 3. to detonate
rellano 1. landing (of stairs) 2. flat area, level area 3. ledge
puntilla 1. lace 2. tack 3. final blow
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