Chinese - English 2.4 Taking a Taxi


ILR (Chinese Express) Languages Fichas sobre Chinese - English 2.4 Taking a Taxi, creado por Kristen Walters el 29/06/2022.
Kristen Walters
Fichas por Kristen Walters, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kristen Walters
Creado por Kristen Walters hace casi 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
no need bú yòng...le 不用---了
taxi chūzū qìchē 出租汽车
university dàxué 大学
subway dìtiě 地铁
subway (undergound train) dìxià huǒchē 地下火车
how much; how many duōshǎo 多少
airplane fēijī 飞机
public bus gōnggòng qìchē 公共汽车
backward; come back huí 回
train huǒchē 火车
one tenth of a yuan (analogous to ten cents and same as a mao) jiǎo 角
car jiàochē 轿车
bicycle (used in Taiwan) jiǎotàchē 脚踏车
taxi (used in Taiwan) jìchéngchē 计程车
going in; go inside a place (away from the speaker) jìnqu 进去
drive kāi 开
okay kěyǐ 可以
base unit of currency (analogous to a dollar and same as a yuan) kuài 快
ship lúnchuán 轮船
one tenth of a yuan (analogous to ten cents and same as a jiao) máo 毛
doorway; gateway ménkǒu 门口
motorcycle mótuóchē 摩托车
question marker ne 呢
money qián 钱
front qián 前
automobile qìchē 汽车
then ránhòu 然后
Mainland Chinese currency system Rénmínbì (RMB) 人民币
department (academic) xì 系
car xiǎo qìchē 小汽车
currency system in Taiwan Xīn Táibì 新台币
go straight yìzhí zǒu 一直走
base unit of currency (analogous to a dollar and same as a kuai) yuán 元
SUV yuèyě qìchē 越野汽车
give change zhǎo 找
helicopter zhíshēng fēijī 直升飞机
bicycle zìxíngchē 自行车
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