Serbian Basic Course Unit 1 Day 2 Latinic


Fsi language Serbian Fichas sobre Serbian Basic Course Unit 1 Day 2 Latinic, creado por FSI Serbian el 25/07/2022.
FSI Serbian
Fichas por FSI Serbian, actualizado hace 6 meses
FSI Serbian
Creado por FSI Serbian hace casi 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Kako ste? How are you?
Kako How
dobro well
Hvala! Thank you!
Šta ima novo? What’s new?
ništa nothing
Ko je to? Who is that?
Ko? Who?
Šta je to? What is that?
To je... That is...
govorite you speak
govoriti to speak
srpski Serbian
prvi, prva, prvo first
jezik, (m.) language, tongue
strani jezik, (m.) foreign language
govorim I speak
engleski English
tako dobro that well
malo a little
nemački German
živim I live
živeti to live
već already
deset godina ten years
živite you live
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