

Chinese words
Etienne Britz
Fichas por Etienne Britz, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Etienne Britz
Creado por Etienne Britz hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
阿姨 a yi Auntie
a (express surprise or amazement)
ai short(of stature), low
爱好 ai hao Hobby
安静 an jing quiet
ba Measure word for sth with handle; Prep. (cause inversion with an object placed before verb)
ban class
ban To take away, to move
办法 ban fa Method, way, means
办公室 ban gong shi office
ban half
帮忙 bang mang Help (noun)
bao bag
bao Full; have eaten one's fill
北方 bei fang north
bei To be done (passive), by(Sb.)
鼻子 bi zi nose
比较 bi jiao Comparatively; relatively
比赛 bi sai competition
必须 bi xu Must
变化 bian hua Change
表示 biao shi To show; to indicate
表演 biao yan To perform/performance
别人 bie ren Other people; others
宾馆 bin guan Hotel
冰箱 bing xiang refrigerator
cai only
菜单 cai dan menu
参加 can jia To participate
cao Grass
Floor ceng
cha poor; bad
chang long
超市 chao shi Supermarket
衬衫 chen shan Shirt
成绩 cheng ji Result
城市 cheng shi City
迟到 chi dao To be (or come, arrive) late
出现 chu xian To appear, to emerge
除了 chu le Except, besides
厨房 chu fang Kitchen
chun Spring
词语 ci yu Word
聪明 cong ming clever
打扫 da sao To clean, to sweep
打算 da suan To plan to do, to intend
dai To bring
担心 dan xin To worry about
蛋糕 dan gao Cake
当然 dang ran Of course
deng Lamp, light
di Low
de (particle) used after an adverb
地方 di fang Place
地铁 di tie Subway
地图 di tu Map
电子邮件 dian zi you jian E-mail
电梯 dian ti Elevator
dong East
dong Winter
动物 dong wu Animal
duan Short (of size/time)
duan Part (measure word)
锻炼 duan lian To exercise
多么 duo me So (before Adj.)
饿 e hungry
而且 er qie And also
耳朵 er duo Ear
发烧 fa shao To have a fever
发现 fa xian To discover, to find out
方便 fang bian Convenient
fang To put, to place
放心 fang xin To be at ease, don't worry
fen Minute; Chinese currency
附近 fu jin Nearby
干净 gan jing Clean, neat and tidy
gan Dare, to be brave enough
感冒 gan mao common cold
刚才 gang cai Just now
根据 gen ju According to, based on
gen With, to follow
geng More (before adjective)
公园 gong yuan Park (noun)
故事 gu shi Story
刮风 gua feng Wind blowing, be windy
guan To close, to turn off
关系 guan xi Relations, relationship
关心 guan xin To care for
关于 guan yu About, on, concerning
国家 guo jia Country, nation
果汁 guo zhi Juice
过去 guo qu In the past, before
害怕 hai pa To be afraid, to be scared
he River
黑板 hei ban Blackboard
护照 hu zhao (International) passport
hua To spend (time/money) Flower
花园 hua yuan Garden
hua To draw
huai Bad, spoiled
hai- Still; huan-To return
还是 hai shi Still/or
环境 huan jing Environment, surroundings
huan To change
huan Yellow
会议 hui yi Conference, meeting
或者/或 huo zhe/huo Or (non-question sentence)
机会 ji hui Chance, opportunity
ji Extremely (after Adj.)
几乎 ji hu Almost, nearly
记得 ji de To remember
季节 ji jie Season
检查 jian cha To examine, to inspect
简单 jian dan Simple
见面 jian mian To meet, to see
健康 jian kang Health, healthy
jiang To speak, to say
jiao Chinese currency
jiao Foot
jie To receive, to welcome sb
街道 jie dao Street
节目 jie mu Program
节日 jie ri Festival
结婚 jie hun To marry, to get married
结束 jie shu To end, to finish
解决 jie jue To solve, to deal with
jie To borrow, to lend
经常 jing chang Often
经过 jing guo To go through, to go by
经理 jing li Manager
jiu For a long time
jiu Old (of things), used, worn
举行 ju xing To hold ( a meeting, ceremony, etc)
句子 ju zi Sentence
决定 jue ding To decide
可爱 ke ai Lovely, cute
ke Thirsty
ke Quarter
客人 ke ren Guest
空调 kong tiao Air conditioner
kou Mouth/Entrance
ku To cry
裤子 ku zi Trousers
筷子 kuai zi Chopsticks
lan Blue
lao Old (not young/not new)
离开 li kai To leave
礼物 li wu Gift, present
历史 li shi History
lian Face
练习 lian xi To practice
liang Measure word for vehicle
了解 liao jie To understand, to comprehend
邻居 lin ju Neighbour
Building, floor
绿 lu Green
ma Horse
马上 ma shang Right now, immediately
满意 man yi To be satisfied
帽子 mao zi Hat, cap
mi Meter, rice
面包 mian bao Bread
面条 mian tiao Noodles
明白 To understand
To take, to hold
奶奶 Grandma (paternal)
nan South
nan Difficult
难过 nan guo Sad
年纪 nian ji Grade, year, level
年轻 nian qing Young
niao Bird
努力 nu li To work hard; hard working
爬山 pa shan To climb mountain
盘子 pan zi Plate, tray
pang Fat
啤酒 pi jiu Beer
葡萄 pu tao Grape
普通话 pu tong hua Mandarin (Standard Chinese)
其实 qi shi Actually, in fact
其他 qi ta Other, else
奇怪 qi guai Strange, weird
qi To ride (horse, bicycle)
铅笔 qian bi Pencil
清楚 qing chu Clear
qiu Autumn
裙子 qun zi Skirt, dress
然后 ran hou Then, afterwards
热情 re qing Warmhearted, enthusiastic
认为 ren wei To think, to consider
认真 ren zhen Conscientious, serious, earnest
容易 rong yi Easy
如果 ru guo If
san Umbrella
上网 shang wang To browse, to surf online
生气 sheng qi To get angry
声音 shen yin Voice, sound
使 shi To make, to cause
世界 shi jie World
shou Slim, thin
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