Module 4: Implement IP Address Management > Unit: Define IP Address Management


Fichas sobre Module 4: Implement IP Address Management > Unit: Define IP Address Management, creado por Rick Schoenman el 16/10/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Fichas por Rick Schoenman, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Rick Schoenman
Creado por Rick Schoenman hace más de 1 año

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Which 2 options do you have store IPAM data? - Windows Internal Database - SQL server database
What are the 4 IPAM modules? - IPAM discovery - IP address space management - Multiserver management nad monitoring - Operational auditing and IP address tracking
Describe IPAM module: IPAM discovery You can configure IPAM to use AD DS to discover servers, domain controllers, DHCP servers, DNS servers
Describe IPAM module: IP address space management This module is used to manage and monitor the IP address space.
Describe IPAM module: multiserver management and monitoring This module is used to manage multiple DHCP and DNS servers.
Describe IPAM module: Operational auditing and IP address tracking This module can be used to track potential configuration problems
Which 2 components are included in IPAM? - IPAM server - IPAM client
Which 3 IPAM topologies can you choose between? - Centralized - Distributed - Hybrid
Which 2 IPAM clients are there available? - Server Manager - RSAT: IP Address Mangement (IPAM) Client
Describe a Centralized IPAM topology You use one IPAM server for the entire forest
Describe a distributed IPAM topology You deploy an IPAM server to each site in the forest
Describe a hybrid IPAM topology You deploay a centralized IPAM server and one at each site. Some services can be monitored centrally while other are monitored by the IPAM servers at each site.
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