The Skilled Helper


Gerard Egan, 9th Ed
Fichas por paigemacgregor, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por paigemacgregor hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Stage I Current Picture 3 tasks: stories new perspectives value
Stage II Preferred Picture 3 tasks: possibilities change agenda commitment
Stage III The Way Forward 3 tasks: possible strategies best it strategies plan
Engagement goal stage I (not limited to) commitment to helping process sooner the better choosing to change
Initial Stress Reduction goal of stage I (not limited to) cathartic effect "getting it out" social-emotional reeducation
Establishing Rapport Relationship Building goal stage I (not limited to) develops & strengthens r/s use verbal/non-verbal communication skills
Clarity goal of stage I (not limited to) concrete detail: specific experiences, thoughts, behaviours, emotions vague stories = vague options/actions
Goals of Stage I Engagement Initial stress reduction Est. rapport & r/s building Clarity Client Action
stories new perspectives value Stage I Current Picture
commitment to helping process sooner the better choosing to change Engagement
cathartic effect "getting it out" social-emotional reeducation Initial Stress Reduction
develops & strengthens r/s use verbal/non-verbal communication skills Establishing Rapport Relationship Building
concrete detail: specific experiences, thoughts, behaviours, emotions vague stories = vague options/actions Clarity
possibilities change agenda commitment Stage II Preferred Picture
possible strategies best it strategies plan Stage III The Way Forward
Client Action goal stage I (not limited to) help clients act from beginning small but begin the change
help clients act from the beginning may be small but begin the change Client Action
Task 1 Help Clients Tell Their Stories TRANSLATE experiences 2words DISCLOSE info relieve tension FEEDBACK from therapist LYING to protect themselves
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Examen Inglés Selectividad
maya velasquez
Ana Priego
Teoria del Consumidor y del Mercado: Oferta, Demanda y Precio
Ani Kimori Rosas
Fórmulas Física
Diego Santos
Tipos de Evaluación
Enrique Adolfo Simmonds Barrios
Ulises Yo
"Formas de integrar TIC en un aula de clases"
Diana Peñailillo
Fichas Verbos inglés presente, pasado y participio (131)
Resumen sobre Los Reyes Católicos
maya velasquez
Funciones Esenciales de la salud Pública
Bere Segovia