Practica el Speaking del FCE


Conjunto de Fichas con expresiones para utilizar en las diferentes partes del examen oral del First Certificate de Cambridge.
Diego  Santos
Fichas por Diego Santos, actualizado hace más de 1 año Más Menos
Diana GE
Creado por Diana GE hace alrededor de 10 años
D. D.
Copiado por D. D. hace casi 6 años
Diego  Santos
Copiado por Diego Santos hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
PARA PEDIR UNA ACLARACIÓN - Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean - I don’t understand - Can you say that again, please? - May I ask a question? - Do you want me to...?
PARA EXPRESAR GUSTOS O PREFERENCIAS - I (really) like/love/enjoy… - I don’t (really)like… - I’d prefer… - I’d (much) rather… -The thing I like the best is… - I’m not very keen on… -I much prefer…
PARA CORREGIRTE A TI MISMO - What I meant was… - What I’m trying to say is… - What I mean is…
PARA EXPRESAR OPINIONES Y PENSAMIENTOS - I don’t think he’s very happy - I’m not sure whether they enjoy it or not. - I find it really interesting/awful - It looks a bit strange/difficult - She looks as if she’s enjoying it - I think it’d be better if they had chosen… - I think we should... - It makes me angry/smile/ worried
PARA CONTRASTAR Y COMPARAR -They both show/have/etc. - The top one looks more…than the
bottom one. - The one on the left shows/has…but the one on the right is… - It’s quite difficult to compare them. - This picture reminds me of… - This one is not as… …as the other one. They’re both quite similar … There both photographs. Both of them have got...In them.
PARA MOSTRAR ACUERDO O DESACUERDO CON TU COMPAÑERO - That’s true - I’m not sure about that - I don’t agree - Yes, but… - I agree - That sounds like a good idea - That’s a great idea - You’re right!
PARA INVOLUCRAR A TU COMPAÑERO - What do you think? - Do you think we should…? - What shall we do first? - Why don’t we…? - Perhaps we should… - Let’s decide about..., shall we?
PARA EXPRESAR PROS Y CONTRAS - On the other hand… - The good/bad thing(s) is/are… - One advantage/disadvantage is…
PARA ESPECULAR - He might be on holiday - I think this would be good for him - What if there was no opportunity to go? - Perhaps/Maybe he’s going to the doctor
PARA LLEGAR A UNA CONCLUSIÓN CON TU COMPAÑERO - So, let’s decide which one… - I think that’s it, don’t you?
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