Legal and Ethics


Compras estratégicas Mapa Mental sobre Legal and Ethics, creado por Itzel Marroquin el 16/11/2017.
Itzel Marroquin
Mapa Mental por Itzel Marroquin, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Itzel Marroquin
Creado por Itzel Marroquin hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Legal and Ethics
  1. Legal Authority of Buyer and Seller
    1. Legal Authority of the Buyer
      1. Personal Liability
        1. Authority of Suppliers’ Representatives
        2. The Uniform Commercial Code
          1. Purpose of a Uniform Commercial Code
            1. The Purchase Order Contract
              1. Acceptance of Offers
                1. Purchases Made Orally—Statute of Frauds
                  1. Inspection
                    1. Acceptance and Rejection of Goods
                      1. Warranties
                        1. Title to Purchased Goods
                          1. Protection against Price Fluctuations
                            1. Cancellation of Orders and Breach of Contract
                            2. Common Law and the Purchase of Services
                              1. Principles of the Law of Software Contracts
                                1. E-Commerce and the Law
                                  1. Electronic Signatures
                                    1. U.S. Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
                                      1. Antitrust and E-Marketplaces
                                      2. Intellectual Property Laws
                                        1. Copyright Law
                                          1. Patents
                                            1. Trademarks
                                              1. Industrial Design
                                                1. Geographical Indication
                                                2. Product Liability
                                                  1. Alternative Dispute Resolution
                                                    1. Commercial Arbitration
                                                      1. Mediation
                                                        1. Internal Escalation
                                                        2. Regulatory Requirements
                                                          1. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
                                                            1. Environmental Regulations
                                                            2. Ethics
                                                              1. Perceptions
                                                                1. Conflict of Interest
                                                                  1. Gifts and Gratuities
                                                                    1. Promotion of Positive Relationships with Suppliers
                                                                      1. Reciprocity
                                                                      2. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
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