Key themes in Macbeth


31st January
Kian Miller
Mapa Mental por Kian Miller, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kian Miller
Creado por Kian Miller hace alrededor de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Key themes in Macbeth
  1. Ambition
    1. a dangerous charecteristic
      1. witches prophecies
        1. lady macbeth fuels his ambititin
          1. I have no spur
          2. Macbetsh hamartia
            1. macbeth and lady macbeths downfall
              1. the driving force of the play
              2. The Supernatural
                1. the idea that the supernatural have a power over our lives
                  1. the three witches /sisters
                    1. unable to say Amen
                      1. has visions
                        1. began to think ghe was invincible
                        2. Greed
                          1. he becomes selfish and greedy
                            1. cant accept banquos kids will become king
                              1. sets out to alter this
                                1. the gracious Duncan i have killed
                                  1. And champion me
                                2. unprepared to share the power
                                  1. with his wife
                                  2. doesnt care when his wife dies
                                  3. Gender roles
                                    1. The Witches
                                      1. sisters
                                        1. you should be women and yet your beards forbid
                                        2. Lady Macbeth
                                          1. The dominant one
                                            1. rules her husband and his ctions
                                              1. Wanted male charecteristics
                                                1. to kill the king
                                                  1. come unsex me here
                                              2. By Kian Miller
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                                                PROYECTO APRENDER
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