The removal of Opposition 1933-34


Mapa Mental sobre The removal of Opposition 1933-34, creado por Biggles el 01/09/2014.
Mapa Mental por Biggles, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Biggles hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

The removal of Opposition 1933-34
  1. From Jan. 1933 Hitler was Chancellor
    1. His power was limited
      1. Weimar constitution controlled chancellor's powers
        1. Hindenburg retained all the powers of President
          1. Hitler's cabinet of 11 had only two Nazi Party members
            1. Only a third of the Reichstag were Nazi Party members
          2. Reichstag Fire
            1. 27 February 1933
              1. Van Der Lubbe
                1. Dutch communist
                  1. Confessed and was executed
                  2. Hitler blames Communists
                    1. Enacted state of emergency
                      1. Hitler legally uses decree to govern Germany
                  3. Enabling Act
                    1. 23rd March 1933
                      1. Allowed Hitler to create laws for 4 years without Reichstag consent
                        1. Intimidated voters
                          1. Germany became Totalitarian
                            1. Banning Trade Unions
                              1. Weakens Communist Workers
                              2. NSDAP becomes the only Political Party
                                1. Hitler ran every Region
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