Unhealthy eating habits


Mapa Mental sobre Unhealthy eating habits, creado por fatima alkhateeb el 24/02/2018.
fatima alkhateeb
Mapa Mental por fatima alkhateeb, actualizado hace más de 1 año
fatima alkhateeb
Creado por fatima alkhateeb hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Unhealthy eating habits
  1. BMI
    1. Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on your weight in relation to your height, and applies to most adult men and women aged 20 and over.
      1. Normal BMI: 18.5-24.9 kg/m2
        1. Overweight: 25-29.9 kg/m2
          1. Obese: starting from 30+ kg/m2
    2. Obesity
      1. Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.
        1. Epidemeology
          1. WHO Regions of the Americas (62% for overweight in both sexes, and 26% for obesity)
            1. WHO Region for South East Asia (14% overweight in both sexes and 3% for obesity).
            2. Types
              1. Causes
                1. Complications
                  1. Respiratory
                    1. sleep apnea; asthma; breathlessness
                    2. Immune system
                      1. inflammation; lowered immunity
                      2. Digestive system
                        1. GERD; gallbladder disease & gallstones; eating disorders
                        2. CVS
                          1. heart attack; elevated cholesterol/atherosclerosis; abnormal heart rhythms; hypertension; peripheral vascular disease; stroke
                      3. Energy expenditure and food intake
                        1. “Energy balance” is the relationship between “energy in” (food calories taken into the body through food and drink) and “energy out” (calories being used in the body for our daily energy requirements).
                        2. Physiology of hunger
                          1. Hunger
                            1. Craving for food because of the need for energy
                              1. No mechanism to inhibit hunger
                              2. Appetite
                                1. Desire for food (want to eat) of a particular type
                                2. Neuronal control of food intake
                                3. Anatomy of the liver
                                  1. Histology
                                    1. Liver
                                      1. Functions
                                        1. Bile production (bile important in fat digestion)
                                          1. Storage of minerals and vitamines
                                            1. Detoxification
                                              1. Convert wastes to kidneys for excretion
                                        1. Management
                                          1. Phenteramine
                                            1. Topiramte/phentiramine
                                              1. Lorcaserin
                                                1. Liraglutide
                                                  1. Natrexone/bupropion
                                          2. Gastric banding surgery
                                            1. In gastric banding surgery, no part of the stomach is removed .Either staples or a band are used to separate the stomach into two parts, one of which is a very small pouch that can hold about one ounce of food
                                              1. Manopause
                                                1. Signs and symptoms
                                                  1. Hot flashes
                                                    1. Night sweats
                                                      1. Sleep problems
                                                        1. Mood changes
                                                  2. Definition
                                                    1. The time that marks the end of the menstrual cycle
                                                      1. Diagnosed if 12 months without a menstrual period
                                                    2. Causes
                                                      1. Natural decline in reproductive hormones
                                                        1. Hysterectomy
                                                          1. Chemotherapy or irradiation
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