Ahmad cannot run


Mapa Mental sobre Ahmad cannot run, creado por Ali Abdallah el 25/03/2018.
Ali  Abdallah
Mapa Mental por Ali Abdallah, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ali  Abdallah
Creado por Ali Abdallah hace alrededor de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Ahmad cannot run
  1. anatomy
    1. bones of the foot
      1. plantar aponeurosis
        1. muscles of foot
          1. ligaments of foot
            1. tendon of foot
              1. arteries of foot
                1. nerves of foot
                2. gait
                  1. human locomotion, or way of walking
                    1. described in all its process as gait cycle
                      1. has two phases
                        1. stance
                          1. interval when foot is on the ground
                          2. swing
                            1. interval which foot is not in contact with ground
                        2. can be abnormal in some people
                      2. genetic disorder that affect skeletal muscles
                        1. Duchennes's muscular dystophy
                          1. caused by absence of dystrophin
                            1. inherited as x-linked recessive
                            2. investigation
                              1. CK
                                1. biopsy
                                  1. western blot
                                    1. genetic testing
                                      1. PCR
                                        1. sequencing
                                        2. EMG
                                        3. pathophysiology
                                          1. signs and symptoms
                                            1. clinical manifestation
                                              1. Gower's sign
                                              2. no treatment is currently available
                                                1. but can be managed
                                                  1. drug therapy
                                                    1. antibiotics
                                                      1. anticonvulsants
                                                        1. immunosuppressant
                                                        2. physical therapy
                                                          1. a new approach is used
                                                            1. genetic therapy
                                                              1. correcting genes responsible for disease development
                                                      2. Becker's muscular dystrophy
                                                        1. decrease of dystrophin
                                                          1. how is it different from BMD?
                                                        2. Emery-dreifuss dystrophy
                                                          1. myotonic dystrophy
                                                            1. scapuloperoneal syndrome
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