From source to sea


Mapa Mental sobre From source to sea, creado por Satvinder Nandhra el 18/04/2018.
Satvinder Nandhra
Mapa Mental por Satvinder Nandhra, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Satvinder Nandhra
Creado por Satvinder Nandhra hace alrededor de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

From source to sea
  1. English
    1. Narrative
      1. Science-fiction clip about water
        1. Writing the story
        1. Inference
          1. Vocabulary
        2. Maths
          1. Multiplication using formal methods
            1. Division with remainder using the part-whole method
            2. Science
              1. States of matter
                1. Comparing and grouping materials
                  1. To plan own investigation on evaporation
                  2. Investigating gases
                    1. Observe and measure changes of state
                      1. Using evidence to answer questions
                        1. Using scientific vocabulary to descibe processes
                        2. Create a model water cycle
                          1. Making rain
                        3. DT
                          1. Building bridges
                            1. Design, plan, make and evaluate a bridge using given materials
                              1. Explore shapes needed to strengthen bridge
                                1. Make bridge using different materials
                              2. Geography
                                1. Rivers
                                  1. Explain the process of rivers
                                    1. Impact on the environment
                                      1. Major rivers
                                    2. Computing
                                      1. Using Excel
                                        1. Representing data in different forms
                                          1. Rainfall in different countries
                                        2. P.E. Swimming (Azure) , Gymnastics (Turquoise), Tag rugby (Cobalt)
                                          1. R.E. Christianity
                                            1. Places of worship
                                              1. Prayer
                                                1. The Bible
                                                2. Launch: Create and perform a storm choir.
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                                                  Fórmulas Geométricas (Perímetros)
                                                  Diego Santos
                                                  7 Técnicas para Aprender Idiomas
                                                  maya velasquez
                                                  Tablas de multiplicar
                                                  Carmen Giralda
                                                  PROCESADORES DE TEXTO
                                                  Advanced English II
                                                  Present Simple
                                                  Billy Yañez
                                                  Herencia Genética básica
                                                  Catalina Ramos
                                                  PENSAMIENTO CRÍTICO
                                                  Ismael Hernández
                                                  Insuficiencia Renal Cronica
                                                  Angela Madroñero
                                                  CUADRO SINÓPTICO DE LOS TRASTORNOS DE LA PERSONALIDAD
                                                  yonaidy granados