Stylistic writing features of Thomas Hardy


Mapa Mental sobre Stylistic writing features of Thomas Hardy, creado por cerianne7437 el 08/10/2014.
Mapa Mental por cerianne7437, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por cerianne7437 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Stylistic writing features of Thomas Hardy
  1. Biblical allusions
    1. contextual change in christianity
      1. "Thy, damnation, slumbereth, not."
    2. Colloquial language
      1. Joan Durbeyfield
        1. "Yll be fess enough, my poppet, when th'st know!"
      2. Metaphors
        1. Tess' body
          1. "beautiful feminine tissue, sensitive as gossamer"
          2. Tess' journey
            1. "long and stony highway"
            2. Exposure
              1. "they were every one put to death by the sticks and stones of the harvesters"
            3. Descriptive writing
              1. Describing Marlott
                1. "The village of Marlott...Such is the vale of Blackmoor."
              2. Pathetic fallacy
                1. hidden/secret plans
                  1. "mist of yellow"
                    1. "The Chase was wrapped in thick darkness"
                    2. Mirrors Tess
                      1. "Sad October"
                    3. Irony
                      1. Alec is not honourable/loses his honour
                        1. "Upon my honour!"
                        2. Alec whistles love song
                          1. "Take, O take those lips away"
                        3. Motif
                          1. White - purity, innocence, virginity
                            1. "all dressed in white gowns"
                              1. "revealing the red and ivory of her mouth"
                              2. Red - danger, passion, blood, hell
                                1. "Red ribbon in her hair"
                                  1. "Red and smooth" (Alec's lips)
                                    1. "made her blush a little"
                                      1. "Red coal of a cigar"
                                      2. Birds - Tess, freedom, caged
                                        1. "gentle roosing birds" (pheasants - bred to be killed)
                                      3. Symbolism
                                        1. Phallic shape
                                          1. Alecs cigar
                                            1. Arrow that kills the white Hart
                                              1. Snake (Garden of Eden)
                                              2. Alec is dangerous
                                                1. "behind, the green valley of her birth"
                                                2. Birds represent Tess
                                                  1. Angelic
                                                    1. "his room was an immense attic" (watching over Tess)
                                                  2. Allusion
                                                    1. Romeo & Juliet
                                                      1. "the pretty maiden he had not danced"
                                                      2. Alexander the Great (Alec d'Urberville)
                                                        1. Greek mythology
                                                          1. "Lotis attempting to elude Priapus, and always failing"
                                                        2. Modern views
                                                          1. Not Tess' fault she was raped
                                                            1. "immeasurable social chasm" (loss of virginity)
                                                              1. "and you did not help me!"
                                                              2. Angel is modern
                                                                1. "I should prefer to not take orders"
                                                                  1. "taking his meals downstairs in the general dining-kitchen"
                                                                    1. "his object being to acquire a practical skill in the various processes of farming, with a view either to the Colonies, or the tenure of a home-farm"
                                                                    2. Loss of faith
                                                                      1. "the ache of modernism"
                                                                    3. Eponymous
                                                                      1. Tess of the d'Urbervilles is named after the protagonist
                                                                      2. Recurring themes
                                                                        1. Merlott is a safe place
                                                                          1. "an engirdled and secluded region"
                                                                          2. The White Hart represents Tess
                                                                            1. "killing by a certain Thomas de la Lynd of a beautiful white Hart"
                                                                            2. Tess is innocent/naive
                                                                              1. "held it by the stem to her mouth"
                                                                              2. Alec is manipulative/cruel/childish
                                                                                1. "Your father has a new cob"
                                                                                  1. "Don't you love me ever so little now?"
                                                                                2. Foreshadowing
                                                                                  1. White Hart story foreshadows penetration/Tess' being raped
                                                                                    1. Tess is dangerous to Alec
                                                                                      1. "regarded herself in the light of a murderess"
                                                                                        1. "of which he was to see more some day"
                                                                                        2. Alec wants to pursue her (white Hart)
                                                                                          1. "he thought better of it, and let her go"
                                                                                            1. "What a crumby girl!"
                                                                                            2. Alec is dangerous to Tess
                                                                                              1. "the protection of their companionship homeward"
                                                                                                1. "Lotis attempting to elude Priapus, and always failing"
                                                                                                2. Death
                                                                                                  1. "cheeks that were damp and smoothly chill"
                                                                                                    1. "they were every one put to death by the sticks and stones of the harvesters"
                                                                                                  2. Other
                                                                                                    1. Similies
                                                                                                      1. Personification
                                                                                                        1. Onomatopeia
                                                                                                          1. Assonance
                                                                                                            1. Alliteration
                                                                                                              1. Sibilance
                                                                                                                1. Listing
                                                                                                                  1. Trippling
                                                                                                                    1. Punctuation
                                                                                                                      1. 3rd person (omnicient) narrative
                                                                                                                        1. Dialect
                                                                                                                          1. Direct speech
                                                                                                                            1. Interventional narrator
                                                                                                                              1. Humour
                                                                                                                                1. Verisimilitude
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