Double Page Spread


Mapa Mental sobre Double Page Spread, creado por abbie_shepherd el 14/01/2015.
Mapa Mental por abbie_shepherd, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por abbie_shepherd hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Double Page Spread
    1. This image demonstrates house music very well. It shows the fun in house.
      1. The headphones are a good prop to use.
      2. LAYOUT
        1. The main image on the double page spread will be soemthing ismilar to this on the left hand side of the page.
          1. On the right hand side I will have an article.
          2. On the left hand side of the page there will also be an eyecatching quote that is very big and bold to draw peopels attention to the page.
            1. On thr right hand side I will have smaller images to show the DJ's real life.
              1. The images will be presented like this.
            2. MODEL
              1. My model will have clear, bold make up and especially eye make up.
                1. Hair style will be sruffy to matcht he genre of music it is.
                  1. Clothing
                    1. I plan for the model to wear the simialr style of clothing for the photograph. However, I will make sure more clothin gis worn.
                      1. Props
                        1. The props I would liek to use are headphones as they represent house music.
                          1. I want to use the lisptick effect to draw on my model as it is good for the target audience I am trying to attract.
                      2. WHERE?
                        1. My magazine is focused on simplistic so I will have this image taken with a palin backgroud behind it.
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