The Green Mile


Mind map of Part 4 Part 5 until chapter 4
Eduard D
Mapa Mental por Eduard D, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Eduard D
Creado por Eduard D hace casi 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Green Mile
  1. PART 5
    1. A pencil and memories creates a dangerous combination
      1. Everyone at Paul's house thinking about how to save Melinda M
        1. Edgecombe cannot write as when he was younger
          1. Edgecombe seeing retreat as something impossible for him
            1. Paul Feeling bad about Delacroix's death
              1. Everything Reminds Edgecombe of Delacroix
                1. Who's the real killer of the two girls?
                  1. Trying to understand Coffey's Powers
                    1. Edgecombe believes in Coffey's Innocence
                    2. PART 4
                      1. Coffey's miracle of saving the life of Mr.Jingles
                        1. Edgecombe's idea to save Melinda M using Coffey's Powers
                          1. Percy's attempt of killing Mr.Jingles
                            1. The weather predicting the horrible night
                              1. Percy's promise of leaving
                                1. Time is a weak acid erasing memories
                                  1. Sense of time lost
                                    1. Delacroix's Execution
                                      1. Paul feeling bad about Delacroix's death
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                                      Examen Inglés Selectividad
                                      maya velasquez
                                      ÁLGEBRA - De Mapa Mental
                                      JL Cadenas
                                      Test Cuerpos Geométricos
                                      Ruth Pérez Sánchez
                                      Vero Lara
                                      MATEMÁTICAS PRIMARIA
                                      Ulises Yo
                                      Las Notas Musicales
                                      mariajesus camino
                                      Cómo crear un Mapa Mental
                                      ETICA Y MORAL
                                      Test: The Passive voice
                                      Abreviaciones comunes en programación web
                                      Diego Santos
                                      Historia de España en el s. XIX (48 preguntas tipo test para repasar)
                                      Gerardo Vázquez