Goffman's Definition of Total Institutions


Mapa Mental sobre Goffman's Definition of Total Institutions, creado por Mandy Cordingley el 03/09/2013.
Mandy Cordingley
Mapa Mental por Mandy Cordingley, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Mandy Cordingley
Creado por Mandy Cordingley hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Goffman's Definition of Total Institutions
    1. Communal bathrooms
      1. Shared living space and bathrooms
        1. No privacy
        2. ST TRINIANS
          1. Staff Superior/'inmates' inferior
            1. Kept Apart
              1. Controlled by rules and procedures
                1. ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST
                2. THE INMATE ROLE
                  1. People are stripped of their past lives, individuality, choices and preferences
                    1. Identity is chosen for them by the institution
                      1. THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION
                      2. THE INSTITUTIONAL PERSPECTIVE
                        1. Life is experienced and understood through events designed by the institution to dictate their view of life
                          1. THE TRUMAN SHOW
                        2. 'Somewhere where people live and work that is separated from society and run with fixed procedures that determine all aspects of people's lives'
                          1. Lennox Castle
                            1. Cedar Court
                              1. Reader C.14 Abuse in the bedroom
                                1. Auxillary Work - low paid, monotonous 2 different areas - one public, one hidden Rules and expectations different in each one
                                  1. 'Bottom Wash' at 8am every day. This work carried out in the bedroom, where nobody else could see Upstairs, different picture. All happy, clean and presentable.
                                    1. Isolated
                                    2. Greenfield Ward
                                      1. Reader C.9
                                        1. BATCH LIVING Run Down Hospital Ward for Women with Learning Difficulties Locked Doors (no freedom), Communal Living (no privacy), Scheduled bath and bed times (no choice)
                                          1. BINARY MANAGEMENT Staff had keys, needed permission to go to the toilet/get drink
                                            1. INSTITUTIONAL PERSPECTIVE Not allowed to show negative feelings, system of rewards and penalties, bribes and observations, same seat at mealtimes
                                              1. INMATE ROLE Told how to sit down (back straight), no talking, stand up, bed time, bath time, etc
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