AS Geography - River terms


Mapa Mental sobre AS Geography - River terms, creado por alexcoupe1998 el 15/02/2015.
Mapa Mental por alexcoupe1998, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por alexcoupe1998 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

AS Geography - River terms
  1. Stores
    1. Interception: Prevention of rain reaching the ground by plants
      1. Surface Storage: Total volume of water held on the earth's surface in lakes, ponds and puddles
        1. Soil Storage: Water held within the soil
          1. Groundwater Storage: Storage of water underground in permeable rock strata (aquifer)
            1. Vegetation Storage: Water being held within or on vegetation
              1. Channel Storage: Water being held within a river
              2. Transfers
                1. Leaf Drip: The precipitation that falls to the ground from leaves after interception
                  1. Infiltration: Gravity flow of water within the soil
                    1. Through Fall: Precipitation falling through the plant canopy
                      1. Percolation: Downward movement of water into the soil
                        1. Surface Runoff: Movement of water over the surface - usually when the ground is frozen or saturated
                          1. Through Flow: Movement of water downslope within soil layer
                            1. Base Flow: The deeper movement of water through the underlying rock
                              1. Stem flow: Rainfall reaching the ground by daring down stems of vegetation
                              2. Inputs
                                1. Precipitation: Any moisture reaching the earth's suface
                                2. Outputs
                                  1. Evapotranspiration: The loss of water from a drainage basin into the atmosphere from vegetation
                                    1. River runoff: Water running within a river until it reaches the sea
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