Logic Gates and Boolean Logic


Logic Gates and Boolean Logic
will mccabe
Mapa Mental por will mccabe, actualizado hace más de 1 año
will mccabe
Creado por will mccabe hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Logic Gates and Boolean Logic
  1. AND Gate
    1. The Gate
      1. The AND gate has an output of 1 only if BOTH inputs are 1
        1. Not Gate
          1. The gate
            1. The NOT gate only has 1 input, and the output is the OPPOSITE. If input is 1, output is 0 If output is 0, input is 1
              1. OR Gate
                1. The Gate
                  1. The OR gate has an output of 1 if EITHER of the inputs are
                    1. XOR Gate
                      1. The Gate
                        1. The XOR (or Exclusive OR) gate has an output of 1 if EXACTLY ONE of the inputs is a 1
                          1. Boolean Logic Espressions
                            1. AND Logic
                              1. The ∙ symbol means “AND”
                                1. NOT Logic
                                  1. The bar above the letter means “NOT”
                                    1. OR Logic
                                      1. The + symbol means “OR”
                                        1. XOR Logic
                                          1. The ⨁ symbol means “XOR”
                                            1. Expression & Truth Table
                                              1. Extras
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