The Martial Arts Way - Anti-Bullying Program Plan


Australian Wide Program
Master Paul
Mapa Mental por Master Paul, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Master Paul
Creado por Master Paul hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Martial Arts Way - Anti-Bullying Program Plan
  1. Landing Page
    1. Wording
      1. KPI Glen Carlson
        1. Mark Bowness
          1. Facebook Friends
          2. 3 choices to make it
            1. Rajeev (Mark Bowness)
              1. Do it yourself
                1. B/B Jill
              2. Promotion
                1. Women Magazines
                  1. Twitter
                    1. Facebook
                      1. Anti-Bullying FB Site
                        1. 20 March
                        2. Martial Arts Clubs
                          1. Age 25-40 years
                            1. 5-12 year old children
                          2. Martial Arts Clubs
                            1. Media
                              1. Channel 7,9,10
                                1. Local Papers
                                2. Website
                                  1. UTKD
                                    1. Other Clubs
                                  2. REGISTER
                                    1. Parents & Students (5-12 yrs)
                                      1. Expression of Interest
                                        1. Supply information
                                          1. Email Address
                                            1. School Attending
                                              1. Recieve
                                                1. Sequential 11 Chapters
                                                  1. PDF (Information School)
                                                    1. Thank you for Registering
                                              2. Schools
                                                1. Expression of Interest
                                                  1. Supply Information
                                                    1. School Contact
                                                      1. Contact Number
                                                        1. Email Address
                                                          1. Public School
                                                            1. Recieve
                                                              1. Sequential 11 Chapters
                                                                1. PDF (Program Information)
                                                                  1. Thank you for Registering
                                                            2. Coaches
                                                              1. Expression of Interest
                                                                1. Supply Information
                                                                  1. Martial Arts School
                                                                    1. Head Instructors Contact
                                                                      1. Contact Number
                                                                        1. Email Address
                                                                          1. Recieve
                                                                            1. Sequential 11 Chapters
                                                                              1. PDF (Program Information)
                                                                                1. Thank you for Registering
                                                                        2. Media
                                                                          1. When a school registers in the area
                                                                            1. Contact the local newspaper
                                                                              1. Press Release
                                                                                1. Photos/Article
                                                                                  1. Draw more public attention
                                                                                    1. Students/School & Coaches will register
                                                                          2. Channel 7, 9, 10
                                                                            1. When there is enough areas going on
                                                                              1. Press Release
                                                                                1. Photo/Article
                                                                                  1. Draw more public attention
                                                                                    1. Students/ Schools and Coaches will register
                                                                            2. 8 Week Program
                                                                              1. Tim Cadden (Write)
                                                                                1. Pierre
                                                                                  1. FB Editor
                                                                                  2. Talk to Christopher Payne
                                                                                    1. AASC Commision Program
                                                                                      1. CCTP Course for Instructors
                                                                                        1. Will they allow other instructors to join
                                                                                      2. Australian Sports Commission
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