Treatment and temperature issues


Mapa Mental sobre Treatment and temperature issues, creado por izzymcgregorbravo el 21/04/2015.
Mapa Mental por izzymcgregorbravo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por izzymcgregorbravo hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Treatment and temperature issues
  1. There are many issues linked to the treatment of kidney failure:
    1. In some developing countries people will sell one of their kidneys as they need the money to pay for food, medication or education.
      1. In the USA there is a big shortage in organ donors so it is being suggested that people could be paid to donate their organs.
        1. Many families who have lost a loved one give their consent for organ donation.
          1. Both transplants and dialysis cost a lot of money. The average cost of dialysis for one patient a year is £30800.
          2. If your core body temperature fails below 35 degrees you are suffering from hypothermia. It is caused by sweating in the cold, being in a cold environment or prolonged inactivity. Mainly affects old people, very young children and people exposed to bad weather conditions.
            1. Symptoms/Effects: extreme tiredness, cold skin, greyish blue face, drowsy and slurred speech. Stop shivering (enzymes stop working). If becomes too low you become unconscious and die
              1. Treatment: Put more layers on, warm drinks, hot bath, gradually warm up. If extreme go to doctors.
            2. If you body temperature becomes too high you may suffer heatstroke. It is caused by very, hot humid weather and often combined with exercise. Mainly affects the very old, very young and fit, young active people.
              1. Symptoms/Effects: can't sweat and skin is red and flushed. Become confused and hallucinations Eventually go into a coma and die.
                1. Treatment: cold drinks (rehydration), get out of heat. If extreme have an ice bath.
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