ЕГЭ Suffixes


Суффиксы для образования каждой части речи
Oxana Kostina
Mapa Mental por Oxana Kostina, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Oxana Kostina
Creado por Oxana Kostina hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

ЕГЭ Suffixes
    1. from ADJECTIVES
      1. -ness
        1. great - greatness
          1. sick - sickness
          2. -ity
            1. able - ability
              1. popular - popularity
            2. from VERBS
              1. -tion / -sion
                1. connect - connection
                  1. persuade - persuasion
                  2. -ance / -ence
                    1. appear - appearance
                      1. depend - dependence
                      2. -ing
                        1. swim - swimming
                        2. -ment
                          1. agree - agreement
                          2. - er / -or
                            1. act - actor
                              1. write - writer
                            2. from NOUNS
                              1. -ship
                                1. friend- friendship
                                  1. aprentice - aprenticeship
                                    1. reader - readership
                                      1. workman - workmanship
                                      2. -ist
                                        1. art - artist
                                          1. cartoon - cartoonist
                                      3. VERB SUFFIXES
                                        1. -ise / ize
                                          1. drama - dramatize
                                        2. ADJECTIVE SUFFIXES
                                          1. from NOUNS
                                            1. -ful
                                              1. beauty - beautiful
                                              2. - ic
                                                1. athlete - athletic
                                                2. -less
                                                  1. use- useless
                                                  2. -ly
                                                    1. friendly
                                                    2. - ous
                                                      1. poison - poisonous
                                                      2. -al
                                                        1. person - personsal
                                                        2. -y
                                                          1. mess - messy
                                                        3. from VERBS
                                                          1. -able / -ible
                                                            1. rely - reliable
                                                              1. access - accessible
                                                              2. -ive
                                                                1. produce - productive
                                                                2. ing
                                                                  1. relax- relaxing
                                                              3. ADVERB SUFFIXES
                                                                1. -ly
                                                                  1. large - largely
                                                                    1. necessary - necessarily
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                                                                  Тест для задания 1 ЕГЭ
                                                                  Svetlana Mayer
                                                                  Word formation:links for training
                                                                  For questions 1–8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Complete these sentences with can, could or the correct form of able to.
                                                                  Analia Uhlig
                                                                  Adryana Memmo
                                                                  Adryana Memmo
                                                                  Magic metaphors
                                                                  Elba Muñiz Martínez
                                                                  PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES WHICH ADD MEANING
                                                                  Gabriela Hernandez Ortigosa
                                                                  Ezzaoufi Ahmed
                                                                  USE OF ENGLISH 3
                                                                  Nancy Meza
                                                                  Word formation
                                                                  Oxana Kostina
                                                                  Prefixes and Suffixes
                                                                  Jessica Mills