Cell structure and processes


Mapa Mental sobre Cell structure and processes, creado por Phenomexx el 04/10/2015.
Mapa Mental por Phenomexx, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Phenomexx hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Cell structure and processes
  1. Transport across cells
    1. Passive processes (do not require energy)
      1. Diffusion
        1. Net movement of molecules of a substance from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration until equilibrium is achieved (only for liquids/gas)
          1. Concentration gradient --> difference in concentration
            1. Moving down/along the concentration gradient --> high con. to low con.
              1. Moving against the concentration gradient is not in the lower sec. syllabus
                1. Example: A hidden durian is brought into the classroom (the durian smell would diffuse until the whole classroom smells evenly of durian)
              2. Osmosis
                1. Net movement of water molecules in a liquid body from a region of higher water potential through a partially permeable membrane to a region of lower water potential until equilibrium is achieved
                  1. Water potential --> % of water a substance contains
                    1. Hypotonic to ___ --> solution has a higher water potential
                      1. Isotonic to ___ --> solution has an equal water potential
                        1. Hypertonic to ___ --> solution has a lower water potential
                          1. Symbol for <water potential> --> Ψ
                    2. Active processes (require energy)
                      1. Active transport
                    3. Structure of cells
                      1. Eukaryotic (membrane bound organelles)
                        1. Animal cell
                          1. Plant cell
                          2. Prokaryotic (non-membrane bound organelles)
                            1. Root hair cell
                              1. Red blood cell (erythrocyte)
                            2. Things to know
                              1. Nucleus
                                1. Controls activity of the cell
                                  1. Stores genetic information (for reproduction)
                                  2. Chloroplast
                                    1. Site for photosynthesis
                                    2. Mitochondria
                                      1. Site of respiration/energy (ATP) production
                                      2. Vacuoles
                                        1. Storage
                                        2. Plasma membrane
                                          1. Compartmentalise biochemical reactions
                                            1. Regulates substances travelling in & out
                                              1. Contains the cytoplasm of the cell
                                              2. Cellulose cell wall
                                                1. Provide structural support
                                                  1. Fully permeable
                                                2. Note: Cytoplasm --> cytosol + organelles
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