Stradbroke Island/ Minjerribah


Concept Map for the planning of Stradbroke Island Historical Unit
Xian Buggy
Mapa Mental por Xian Buggy, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Xian Buggy
Creado por Xian Buggy hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Stradbroke Island/ Minjerribah
  1. History
    1. Quandamooka Heritage
      1. The arrival of colonial Europeans
        1. Dunwich School
          1. Dunwich Benevolent Asylum
            1. Aboriginal Missions
              1. Oodgeroo Noonuccal
                1. Generational Resonance
                2. Geography
                  1. Sandmining
                    1. Causes & effects
                    2. The geographical formation of Stradbroke Island over time
                      1. Effects of human and natural interference
                        1. Sacred Spaces
                        2. Civics and Citizenship
                          1. Native Title of Stradbroke Island
                            1. Renaming Stradbroke Island
                            2. 1967 Referendum
                              1. Aboriginal Protection Act
                                1. Oodgeroo Noonuccal
                              2. Cross Curriculum Priorities
                                1. Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander Knowledge
                                  1. Sustainability
                                  2. Pedagogies
                                    1. Indigenous Perspectives
                                      1. Community engagement
                                        1. Active and Informed Citizens
                                          1. Collaborative learning
                                            1. Collaborative Teaching
                                              1. Locality
                                              2. Inquiry model
                                                1. Backwards Design Mapping
                                                  1. TELSTAR Model
                                                    1. Uncle Ernie's Holistic Framework
                                                      1. 8 Ways Learning Framework
                                                      2. Australian Curriculum
                                                        1. Historical Inquiry & Skills
                                                          1. Historical Concepts
                                                            1. Historical Knowledges and Understandings
                                                            2. General Capabilities
                                                              1. Literacy
                                                                1. Numeracy
                                                                  1. ICT
                                                                    1. Critical and Creative Thinking
                                                                      1. Personal and Social
                                                                        1. Ethical Understanding
                                                                          1. Intercultural Understanding
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