Bibliographic Management Applications (BMAs)


Filología Mapa Mental sobre Bibliographic Management Applications (BMAs), creado por Silvia Liaño Pons el 26/12/2023.
Silvia Liaño Pons
Mapa Mental por Silvia Liaño Pons, actualizado hace 5 meses
Silvia Liaño Pons
Creado por Silvia Liaño Pons hace 5 meses

Resumen del Recurso

Bibliographic Management Applications (BMAs)
  1. Concept
    1. Also known as Reference Managing Software (RMS)
      1. Tools that enable the creation, organisation and management of bibliographic references.
      2. Main elements of a BMA
        1. Adding new references
          1. Manually
            1. Directly
              1. Indirectly
                1. Other methods
                2. Managing data
                  1. Adding tags
                    1. Putting references into folders
                      1. Adding notes and commentaries
                        1. Save references in a specific standard by default
                        2. Generating bibliographic references automatically
                          1. Directly from the application
                            1. Using a Word Processor
                          2. BMA TYPOLOGY
                            1. Initially divided into
                              1. Classic
                                1. Web-based
                                  1. Social networks
                                  2. Later reduced to two modalities:
                                    1. Commercial BMAs
                                      1. EndNote
                                        1. RefWorks
                                          1. Mendeley
                                          2. Open-source BMAs
                                            1. Zotero
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                                        Tradició Lingüística Àrab
                                        Belén Guarner
                                        Estrategias de Enseñanza Alternativas
                                        Diego Santos
                                        Statistics Equations
                                        maya velasquez
                                        TEOREMA DE PITAGORAS
                                        Alejandra GamboaMLLM
                                        FLIPPED CLASSROOM (aula invertida)
                                        VIRGINIA GARCÍA BAENA
                                        PAST SIMPLE
                                        Parte General Código Penal
                                        MJ Maza
                                        JL Cadenas
                                        MAPA CONCEPTUAL CAP 1 GERENCIA ESTRATEGICA
                                        DAVID ARCE
                                        Instrumental quirúrgico
                                        Laura Pérez León