The view that the role of the education system is to reproduce and transmit culture


sociology mind map
Mapa Mental por jackrichardssss9, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jackrichardssss9 hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

The view that the role of the education system is to reproduce and transmit culture
  1. Durkheim
    1. Education transmits culture and history to form a sense of belonging.
    2. Functionalism
      1. Education is the main agency of socialisation into value consenus.
      2. Althusser - Marxists
        1. Education system is an ideological state apparatus.
          1. Education brainwashes children into conformity and obedience.
            1. The children are brainwashes into following the ruling class culture. This shows how the education system reproduces and transmits culture.
            2. The hidden curriculum ensures values and ideas of the dominant class are transmitted to the pupils.
            3. The Marxists view on vocational education is that its a system for cheap labour, Trains the working class worker into low paid and low skilled work.
              1. Bowles and Gintis concept of next generation workers.
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