measuring metaral


(Materials choices) science - chem Mapa Mental sobre measuring metaral, creado por jakeogilvie el 16/04/2013.
Mapa Mental por jakeogilvie, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jakeogilvie hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

measuring metaral
  1. Properties of materials
    1. Different materials behave in different ways. They have different properties
      1. Solid materials
        1. Different materials behave in different ways. They have different properties.
          1. strength in tension (when pulled)
            1. melting point
              1. strength in compression (when pushed)
                1. stiffness
                  1. hardness
                    1. density.
                  2. Plastics, rubbers and fibres
                    1. Many products that we use are made using plastics eg polythene , rubbers and fibres such as cotton. The suitability of a material to a particular job
                      1. washing-up bowl may be made from the plastic polythene, because this material is waterproof and can be melted and reformed into the desired shape
                        1. a bicycle tyre is made from rubber because it needs to be flexible and tough
                          1. a pair of tights may be made from nylon fibres because these are flexible and elastic
                      2. Effectiveness and durability
                        1. A pair of shoes made with leather uppers and a rubber sole would be most effective and durable:
                          1. leather is waterproof and flexible; it can also be dyed in a range of colours, and can be given a shiny, polished surface
                            1. rubber is also waterproof and flexible; it is very hard-wearing, and will not slip easily when in contact with the ground.
                            2. The properties of these materials make them suitable for the product. Shoes made with leather uppers and rubber soles can carry out their job effectiv
                            3. Variables
                              1. In this investigation there are several factors, also called variables, which may affect the outcome. These include the:
                                1. type of rubber
                                  1. width of rubber
                                    1. thickness of rubber
                                      1. length of rubber
                                        1. temperature.
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