Why had international peace collapsed by 1939? (Chapter summary)


Mapa Mental sobre Why had international peace collapsed by 1939? (Chapter summary), creado por Lewis Mair el 05/02/2014.
Lewis Mair
Mapa Mental por Lewis Mair, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lewis Mair
Creado por Lewis Mair hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Why had international peace collapsed by 1939? (Chapter summary)
  1. The late 1920's


    • asdad 
    1. Better hope for international piece
      1. Countries were co-operating as well as trading with each other
        1. Agreements had been agreed on
      2. The Great Depression in the 1930's
        1. Dictators like Hitler had a chance to rise to power
          1. Alliances formed during the time
            1. Hitler were allies with Italy and Japan
          2. The Treaty of Versailles
            1. Germany was unhappy about the treaty, as well as Hitler . Hitler wanted to chalange the terms of the treaty
              1. Hitler rearmed Germany from 1933
                1. Sent troops into the demilitarised zone of the Rhineland in 1936
              2. The Appeasement Policy
                1. League of Nations, Britain nor France did not try to stop Hitler from breaking the Treaty of Versailles
                  1. This leaded to the Appeasement Policy
                    1. This is what Hitler had wanted in the hope that he wont ask for more
                  2. Hitler invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia which put an end to the Appeasement Policy
                    1. Hitler was told that any further expansion would lead to war
                  3. Munich Agreement 1938
                    1. Sudetenland
                      1. An area in Czechoslovakia that hitler wanted
                        1. Britain and France gave Hitler the Sudetenland as long as he did not try to take over Czechoslovakia
                          1. Full of natural resources that can help rebuild Germany economically as well as with armoury
                            1. Holds most of Czechoslovakia's power stations that power the country with electricity
                        2. The Pact with Stalin (Russia)
                          1. Hitler had signed a Pact with Stalin in 1939
                            1. Not to attack each other
                              1. Divide Poland between them
                                1. Hitler saw Stalin as an enemy due to the fact that Hitler was very anti-Communist
                                  1. Hitler Invaded Poland in september 1939
                                    1. Britain declared war on Germany
                                2. Causing the Second World War
                                  1. Historians say all factors played a role on the cause of the Second World War
                                    1. Hitlers foreign policy played a major role
                                      1. Economic factors
                                        1. The Great Depression
                                        2. Failure of the League
                                          1. Unfairness of the First World War peace treaties
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