Applying to Euthanasia


AS - Level (Euthanasia) Ethics Mapa Mental sobre Applying to Euthanasia, creado por Hannah Grinnall el 23/05/2016.
Hannah Grinnall
Mapa Mental por Hannah Grinnall, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Hannah Grinnall
Creado por Hannah Grinnall hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Applying to Euthanasia
  1. Natural Law
    1. wrong because goes against sanctity of life as all life is sacred and gift from God, only he can choose when to end it
      1. innocent life- helping with euth you're helping end their life.
        1. patient would be able to stop taking life prolonging drugs, should be treated with compassion, respect and dignity
        2. allows doctrine of double effect; doctor gives overdose with aim of relieving pain resulting in death as aim was not to kill
        3. The Church
          1. Pope John Paul II said life is an "extraordinary gift from God" and euth is a "violation of that gift" (sanctity of life)
          2. Situation Ethics
            1. "there is more to being human than just being alive" therefore in certain circumstances, following agape, person who's terminally ill ought to be able to make informed decision to die
            2. Utilitarianism
              1. could be seen as ultimate act for utilitarian
                1. you're ending pain and making them happy by agreeing to wishes
                2. situation is very different if apply GHP- if patient wants to die but family do not, they can't be euthanised, but if family want them to be euthanised but patient doesn't, they will have to be anyway
                  1. both situations, rights of patient are suppressed by majority, as utilitarianism doesn't value human life/rights
                3. Categorical Imperative (Kantian Ethics)
                  1. Universalisability
                    1. can't universalise because you can't universalise killing
                    2. means to an end
                      1. asking doctor/family to help is using them as means to end your life. could be said suicide is using yourself as means to an end
                      2. Kant on suicide
                        1. illogical as we all posses 'self-love' which helps us to survive, it seeks what's in our best interest therefore illogical for self-love to seek death
                          1. however self-love may seek death when we're in pain as it's in out best interest
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