Blood as Metaphor in body of contemporary art


Ideas for thesis structure
Mapa Mental por marcoh, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por marcoh hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Blood as Metaphor in body of contemporary art
  1. Susan Sontag
    1. The Culture of Blood
      1. Blood as Ritual/Performance
        1. Dawn Permutter
          1. Pagan/Christian/Other
            1. Tribal
              1. Religious
                1. Rites of War
            2. Artist
              1. Ron Athley
                1. Herman Nitche
            3. Biology and Culture
              1. George Engel
                1. Biocultural view
                  1. Biomedical View
                  2. Lawrence Hill
                    1. The Cultural Power of Blood
                      1. Divides
                        1. Unites
                          1. Reveals
                  3. Evelyn Fox Keller
                    1. The New Art Studio
                      1. Martin Kemp
                        1. New Links
                          1. Collaboration
                            1. New Perspectives
                        2. Lynn Gamwell
                          1. Artist Response to Science/Culture
                            1. Observation
                              1. Experience
                                1. Materials
                      2. Ede Sian
                        1. Blood as Metaphor in Art
                          1. New Constructs
                            1. New Meanings of Human Nature
                              1. New Technologies
                                1. Ethics
                                  1. Universalist
                                    1. Artist
                                      1. Eduardo Kac
                                        1. Herman Nitche
                                          1. Ron Athey
                              2. Symbols
                                1. Eternity
                                  1. Life
                                    1. Death
                                      1. Power
                                2. BIOART
                                  1. Vitalistic Tactic
                                    1. Prophylactic Tactic
                                      1. James Bradburne
                                        1. Caroline Jones
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