End of the First World War


Mapa Mental sobre End of the First World War, creado por maddieisproductive el 11/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por maddieisproductive, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por maddieisproductive hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

End of the First World War
  1. Reason why the Allies won
    1. Allies
      1. America entered the war on the allies side, April 6th 1918
        1. Germany was afraid of countless American soldiers on the allies side
          1. More troops boosted morale among allies
          2. Technology
            1. The allies had better technology
              1. Especially towards the end of the war they had better tanks and aircrafts
              2. Tactics
                1. The allies realised sooner than the Germans that trench warfare wasn't affective
                  1. Allies invested in tanks, aircrafts
                2. Reason why the Germans lost
                  1. Exhaustion
                    1. By 1918 an epidemic of influenza had spread
                      1. Germans were hungry (from blockades)
                        1. As a result of starvation millions of German civilians were dying
                        2. Blockade
                          1. The British Naval Policy to blockade Germany cut off supplies
                            1. This caused starvation and exhaustion as little food reached Germany
                            2. Kaiser Wilhelm
                              1. German emperor abdicated 9th November 1918
                                1. The government knew they had to end the war before he abdicated
                                  1. This meant the government surrendered on 11th November
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