Thermodynamics mindmap


Mapa Mental sobre Thermodynamics mindmap, creado por Ben Ennifer el 02/06/2017.
Ben Ennifer
Mapa Mental por Ben Ennifer, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ben Ennifer
Creado por Ben Ennifer hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Thermodynamics mindmap


  1. Heat and temperature
    1. Temperature
      1. Absolute zero
        1. 0K or -273.15 celcius
          1. Theorhetical temperature where an ideal gas would have zero volume
          2. A measure of kinetic energy in a substance
            1. kinetic theory
              1. the idea that microscopic movments of particles will reflect the microscopic movments of the substance as a whole
          3. Temperature scales
            1. Fixed points
              1. fairly constant points such as the boilind and freezing point of water that can be used to make a tempreature scale
              2. Celsius scale
                1. Kelvin scale
                  1. degrees same size as 1 celsius but starting a absolute zero
                  2. fixed points at the boiling and freezing points of water, 100 and 0 respectivly
              3. Internal Energy
                1. Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
                  1. no molecules have no energy
                    1. only some molecules have high energy
                      1. there is no maximum value for energy
                        1. area under the graph represents the total energy of the system
                          1. A mathematical model describing the distributions of energies at a given temperature
                          2. rms speed
                            1. root of the average sum of the squared speeds
                              1. √(∑v^2 )/n)
                              2. <c^2>
                              3. modal speed
                                1. most common speed, ie the peak of the graph
                                2. average speed
                                  1. sum of speeds over number of speeds
                                  2. molecular kinetics
                                    1. Average kinetic energy of gas molecules is proportional to its absolute temperture
                                      1. 1/2 m<c^2> = 3/2 kT
                                        1. Where k = 1.38 x 10^-23 Jk^-1
                                    2. the sum of kinetic and potential energies of all the molecules in a substance
                                    3. Heat Transfer
                                      1. Specific heat capacity
                                        1. A property of a material that describes the energy required to raise 1 kg of a substance 1K
                                          1. ∆E=mc∆T
                                          2. Specific latent heat
                                            1. The energy required to change the state of 1 kg of a substance at a constant temperature
                                              1. ∆E=L∆m
                                                1. once a solid has reached its melting point it requires additional energy to change its phase
                                                2. Black body radiators
                                                  1. will perfectly absorb all radiation that lands on it
                                                    1. therefor will emit EM radiation at all wavlengths


                                                      • As objects that are good absorbers of radiation are also good emitters.
                                                3. Ideal Gas Behavior
                                                  1. Boyle's Law
                                                    1. P∝1/V
                                                    2. Charles' Law
                                                      1. V∝T
                                                      2. Pressure Law (Gay-Lussac's Law)
                                                        1. P∝T
                                                        2. pV = nRT
                                                          1. R = 8.31
                                                          2. molecules have no size
                                                            1. molecules are identical
                                                              1. collisions are perfectly elastic
                                                                1. molecules exert no force
                                                                  1. enough molecules that statistics apply
                                                                    1. random motion
                                                                      1. for 1 mol of gas pV = NakT
                                                                      2. Kinetic Theory Equation


                                                                        1. pV= 1/3 Nm<c^2>
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