Applications of ICT


Mapa Mental sobre Applications of ICT, creado por piggott.alex el 20/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por piggott.alex, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por piggott.alex hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Applications of ICT
  1. Telecommunication and information technology
    1. Telephone systems
      1. Voicemail
        1. Menus
          1. Ringback
            1. Videophone
              1. Caller display
                1. Conference call
                2. Banking
                  1. ATM (automated teller machines)
                    1. Cheques
                      1. Credit/debit card
                      2. Production control
                        1. Computer aided design
                          1. Computer aided manufacture
                          2. GPS
                            1. Satellites
                              1. Satnav
                                1. Route planning
                                2. Navigation
                                  1. Weather forecasting
                                    1. Measuring and recording data
                                      1. Modelling forecasts
                                        1. Producing forecasts
                                      2. Software-based training
                                        1. Computer-based training (CBT)
                                          1. Trainee logon
                                            1. Feedback to trainee and tutor
                                              1. Pre-assessment
                                                1. Target setting
                                                  1. Assignment setting
                                                  2. ICT in society today
                                                    1. Uses of networks at work and at home
                                                      1. Limitations of using ICT
                                                        1. Battery life
                                                          1. Bandwidth
                                                            1. Portable screen size
                                                              1. Wireless network connectivity
                                                                1. Input devices
                                                                  1. Users
                                                                  2. Distributed databases
                                                                    1. Horizontal/vertical partitioning
                                                                      1. Replication
                                                                        1. Central database
                                                                          1. Uses
                                                                            1. Storage
                                                                              1. Queries
                                                                                1. Data availability
                                                                                  1. Local control
                                                                                    1. Database design
                                                                                      1. Back-ups
                                                                                      2. Security issues
                                                                                        1. Interception of data
                                                                                          1. Physical access to data
                                                                                            1. Consistency and integrity of data
                                                                                          2. Expert systems
                                                                                            1. Knowledge-based
                                                                                              1. Rules
                                                                                                1. Components
                                                                                                  1. Knowledge base
                                                                                                    1. Inference engine
                                                                                                      1. User interface
                                                                                                      2. Applications
                                                                                                        1. Medical diagnosis
                                                                                                          1. Fault diagnosis
                                                                                                            1. Predicting outcomes
                                                                                                          2. Digital TV networks
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