
Mapa Mental sobre GENERATION GAP MARKETING, creado por David Alfonso Segovia Tamez el 23/02/2023.
David Alfonso Segovia Tamez
Mapa Mental por David Alfonso Segovia Tamez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
David Alfonso Segovia Tamez
Creado por David Alfonso Segovia Tamez hace más de 1 año

Resumen del Recurso

      1. Television is born and becomes massive, reaching homes with programs such as: TV shows, newscasts, documentaries, novels, they like to talk about extraterrestrial life and movies from the old west.
        1. They like the cinema, listen to the radio and read the newspaper
        2. BORN BETWEEN
          1. “Baby Boom” refers to the high birth rate in the world, following the end of World War II.
            1. 1946-1964
              1. Baby Boomers have an strong and focused work ethic, are typically hard-working individuals.
                1. They are independent, competitive, goal-oriented, resourceful, experienced, self-assured, religious.
                  1. They want to have stability and status quo all the time, have large families, they begin the migration from the countryside to the cities to study.
                  2. MARKETING ESTRATEGIES
                    1. Traditional advertising, such as print, radio and TV; loyalty programs that drive toward in-store purchases and in-person interactions; and social media as an entry point into brand or product research and easy online shopping.
                  3. GENERATION X
                    1. SOCIALS CHARACTERISTICS
                      1. They like to go to restaurants, bars, social events, trips abroad for their social status.
                        1. They began to watch television with the family, they like to read newspapers, magazines and comics, the cinema and listen to the radio.
                        2. BORN BETWEEN
                          1. They lived through the times of the incorporation of women into the world of work, the cold war, the women's liberation movement, among others.
                            1. 1965-1980
                            2. DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES
                              1. They are religious, It is a generation that is born with analog life, they are multitasking people.
                                1. Because of the education they have had, they are entrepreneurs. Lovers of social movements with a cause, rebellion and anarchy became present in some groups. of this generation.
                                  1. Hippie movement. The opening to sexual, racial, political and faith diversity begins.
                                    1. Physical, personal, and clothing appearance are very important to this generation.
                                      1. It is the generation that lives a strong university expansion and supported by the migration from the countryside to the city, strengthening concepts such as free thought and that lives the first social protest movements.
                                      2. MARKETING ESTRATEGIES
                                        1. Traditional advertising; loyalty programs; word of mouth, email and social marketing; and incentives, such as discounts, freebies and coupons.
                                      3. GENERATION Y
                                        1. BORN BETWEEN
                                          1. 1981-1993
                                            1. This generation witnessed the arrival of the Internet to homes and the expansion of its educational use, in addition to the arrival of the technological triad (smartphones, laptops and tablets), the conversation indicates.
                                              1. MARKETING ESTRATEGIES
                                                1. Multichannel, user-generated content, influencer marketing, social media marketing and content marketing.
                                              2. SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS
                                                1. Millennials cost more work to emancipate than people of other generations. While in general, young adults usually have little accumulated wealth, for millennials it is more difficult to join resources than for baby boomers in their youth.
                                                  1. However, more than half of the millennials earn more income than their parents when they were the same age, according to The Conversation, which places this generation those who were born between 1981 and 1987.
                                                  2. DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES
                                                    1. Those who belong to this group are better educated, in general, but there is a marked division between the fortunes of those who have university education and those who do not, indicates the Pew Research.
                                                      1. Millennial women are more likely to participate in the economy and labor force of the nations than those born in previous generations.
                                                        1. The young people of this generation define themselves as consumerists and manage to buy what they want, regardless of their few economic resources, according to The Conversation.
                                                      2. GENERATION Z
                                                        1. SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS
                                                          1. TECHNOLOGY: Is the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, with access to technology and the internet from a young age.
                                                            1. SOCIAL AWARENESS: Is often described as being more socially aware and politically engaged than previous generations, with a greater focus on issues like climate change, social justice, and equality.
                                                              1. INDIVIDUALISM: While they may be socially conscious, Gen Z is also known for valuing individualism and personal expression.
                                                                1. ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT: Is also known for its entrepreneurial spirit, with many members of the generation interested in starting their own businesses or pursuing independent career paths.
                                                                  1. OVERALL: These social characteristics reflect the unique experiences and attitudes of Gen Z, and are likely to shape their behavior and impact on society in the years to come.
                                                                    1. DIVERSITY: Is the most diverse generation in history, with a greater representation of ethnic and racial minorities than previous generations.
                                                                    2. BORN BETWEEN
                                                                      1. Gen Z is often referred to as the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, with access to the internet and mobile devices from a young age.
                                                                        1. 1997-2009
                                                                        2. DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES
                                                                          1. Also known as Gen Z, is the demographic cohort that comes after Millennials and is typically defined as people born between the mid-1990s and the mid-2010s.
                                                                            1. As this generation comes of age and enters the workforce, they are expected to have a significant impact on society and shape the future of work, politics, and culture.
                                                                              1. While there is some debate about the exact years that define Gen Z, most researchers and demographers agree that it encompasses those who were born after 1996 or 1997.
                                                                              2. MARKETING ESTRATEGIES
                                                                                1. Influencer marketing, reviews, videos, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, mobile interactions, and social selling and advertising.
                                                                              3. GENERATION ALPHA
                                                                                1. DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES
                                                                                  1. BORN BETWEEN
                                                                                    1. 2010 - 2025
                                                                                      1. Also known as the "New Millennials," is the demographic cohort that comes after Generation Z. While there is some debate about the exact years that define Generation Alpha
                                                                                      2. Additionally, early signs suggest that Generation Alpha is likely to be even more diverse than Gen Z, with a greater representation of ethnic and racial minorities, as well as a more diverse range of family structures and gender identities.
                                                                                        1. Overall, while it is still too early to make definitive statements about Generation Alpha's social characteristics, it is clear that they will be a generation that is deeply influenced by technology and will have a unique perspective on the world as a result.
                                                                                      3. MARKETING ESTRATEGIES
                                                                                        1. For Gen Alphas, brands need to understand that right now, parents are ultimately the decision-maker at the moment, and parents will prefer what their children prefer.
                                                                                        2. SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS
                                                                                          1. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS: There are indications that Generation Alpha may be even more environmentally conscious than previous generations.
                                                                                            1. TECHNOLOGY: Generation Alpha is growing up in a world that is even more dominated by technology than that of their predecessors.
                                                                                              1. DIVERSITY: As noted earlier, Generation Alpha is expected to be even more diverse than Gen Z, with a greater representation of ethnic and racial minorities.
                                                                                                1. FAMILY STRUCTURES: Generation Alpha is growing up in an era of greater diversity in family structures, including single-parent households, blended families, same-sex parent families, and others.
                                                                                                  1. GLOBAL OUTLOOK: With the world becoming increasingly interconnected, Generation Alpha is likely to have a more global outlook than previous generations.
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