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hace alrededor de 9 años
What is Political Science?
Quantitative analysis
Qualitative analysis
Political ideology
Political culture
1st level of Political culture
2nd level of Political culture
3rd level of Political culture
From what comes National pride?
National identity
Legitimacy of Government
3 types of citizen
What shapes Political culture?
Political Socialization
Conventional Political Participation
Unconventional Political Participation
Verba and Nie's 6 kinds of citizens
Constitutional Amendments that expanded Suffrage
Voting Trends
Why Americans still don't vote. Explanations
Why Americans still don't vote. Explanations
Nr. 2
Why Americans still don't vote. Explanations
Nr. 3
Causes of participation
Three questions about American voter turnout
Why do so many poor people not vote?
Political Party
Functions of Political Party
Why a two-party system?
Interest groups / Lobbying
Social Movement
Post-Constitution Parties
Birth of Democratic Party
Formation of Republican Party
Party dominance through time
Party dominance after 1968
Different kind of politcal groups
Important Social Movements in the US
Electoral College
Problems of Electoral College
Competences of US President
How a bill becomes a law
Functions of a welfare state
American welfare state
US Welfare regime
Public welfare
US welfare regime
private welfare
How much does US welfare state cost?
Federalism: Powers of National Government
Federalism: shared powers between nation and state
Federalism: state powers