New Possibilities with ExamTime's Flashcard Maker


Unleash a world of possibilities with ExamTime's Flashcard Maker.
Flashcards by lauren_m, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
maya velasquez
Created by maya velasquez almost 9 years ago
Andrea Leyden
Copied by Andrea Leyden almost 9 years ago
Copied by lauren_m almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
New Possibilities with ExamTime's Flashcard Maker Discover what's new!
New Font Types! Choose from 8 different font styles
Customise your Card Background Colours! You have over 100 to choose from!
You can Also Change the Colour of the Text! And yes, again, you have a choice of over 100 colors! :)
New Textures... You can apply different textures to the background
You can even display mathematical formulas using LaTex! \[Sin120\,^{\circ}\]
Exciting, isn't it? Remember that you can apply any of these changes to either side of a card. So, what are you waiting for? Try all these new features and more now on!
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