Molecules Of Life (pt 1 for quiz)


Ms.Humphrey Biology North Phoenix Prep
Cornel Swart
Flashcards by Cornel Swart, updated more than 1 year ago
Cornel Swart
Created by Cornel Swart over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Branched ; Carbon Based Structure
Chain ; Carbon Based Structure
Ring ; Carbon Based Structure
All organisms are made up of four main types of carbon-based molecules. What are they? Carbohydrate, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids
What are Carbohydrate's used for? Can be broken down to provide a source of usable chemical energy for cells
What are monosaccharides? Sugars are the most basic carbohydrates
What are the three kinds of monosaccharides? -Fructose -Glucose -Sucrose
What are polysaccharids? Many glucose can be linked to make polysaccharids
What are the three kinds of polysaccharids? -Starches: are made and stored by plants -Glycogen: is known as "Animal Starch" -Cellulose: is a building block in plant structure
What is a lipid? -Non-polar molecules that include fats, oils, and cholesterol -Some are broken down as source of usable energy for cells -Other lipids are part of a cell's structures -Store large amounts of chemical energy in organisms
All lipids contain what a molecule called ________ bonded to molecules, called _____ _____. -Glycerol -Fatty Acids
What are triglycerides? -Many lipids contain 3 fatty acids (hence tri) - 3x fatty acids ---> Glycerol
What are saturated fats? -Most animal fats are saturated fats -Most saturated fats will be solid -This means have maximum # of hydrogen atoms possible
What are unsaturated fats? -Fatty acids in oil (unsaturated) -Most unsaturated fats will LIQUID -Oil have fewer hydrogen atoms because at least double bond between carbon atoms
What are all cell membranes made of? Phospholipids
What are waxes? -Consists of a long fatty acid joined to a long alcohol chain -All waxes have firm consistent and repel water
What is cholesterol? -Lipid that has a ring structure -Your body needs certain amount to function -part of the cell membranes, body uses it to make steroid hormones
What are proteins? -a polymer made of monomers of amino acids -Organisms use twenty different amino acids to build proteins -Your body can make twelve of the amino acids, others come from foods, meat, beans, and nut's
What are the three parts in every amino acids? -Hydrogen atom -an amino group (NH2) -Carboxyl group (COOH) -Amino acids differ only in their side group, or the R-Group
What is a peptide bond? -Amino acids that form covalent bonds with each other
What determines a protein's structure and function? -The specific sequence of amino acids
What is Denaturation? -When polypeptides unwind and change shape - (Proteins and others cannot function unless they stay coiled, folded and packed into a precise way)
What are nucleotides? -Detailed instruction's to build proteins -Nucleic acids are polymers that are made up of monomers
What is ATP? -Ready energy for the body
What do coenzyme's do? -Move electrons and hydrogen from one reaction site to another (ex photosynthesis) -Also act as chemical messengers within and between cells
What are nucleic acids? -Certain nucleotides function as monomers for single and double stranded molecules
What are nucleotides structures composed of? -Sugar -Phosphate Group -Nitrogen containing base
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