Created by Marc-Anthoni Peacock
almost 7 years ago
Question | Answer |
Parson | Emphasizes the notion of the minister as embodying the person “parson’ or soul of the community before God in prayer. |
Elder | Points to the dimension of maturity and experience in the guidance of the church often carrying the connotation of teaching elder for ruling elder. |
Curate | A curate is one who has a cure, care for souls, a curacy. |
Preacher | A preacher is a characteristically American usage that stresses the publicly declared Word and evangelical witness as a central function of the pastoral office. |
Priest | Priest places Sacramental acts at the center of ministry stressing the meditation of divine grace through appointed means and the representation of the people before God in intercessory prayer. |
Minister | Suggests that service is critical to all other aspects of the work of clergy. |
Evangelists | Stress the itinerant ministry of proclamation of the Word. |
Clergy | Emphasize the Clerkly skills and learning that were and are still expected of ministers. A cleric is in medieval times was one educated in church law and prepared to officiating in Pastoral service. |
Reverend | Worthy of being revered reverend is an epithet of respect applied to clergy since the 15th century preferably use with the definitive article the reverend and often prefix to the name in correspondence. |
Chaplain | Is a minister who conducts services in a chapel of a public institution and is often used to refer to military hospital or various institutional ministries |
Christian ministry is energized by the pivotal conviction that ______ ordained and established the pastoral office for the edification and guidance of the church. | Christ |
What is a pastor? | The pastor concisely defined is a member of the body of Christ who is called by God and the church and set apart by ordination representatively to proclaim the Word, to administer the sacraments and to guide and nurture the Christian community towards full response to God’s self-disclosure. |
True or false the pastoral office implies a clearly definable distinction between the Laity (the general ministry) and Clergy (Ordained minister.) | True |
True or False Every “presbuteros” is the first of all and unremittingly “diakonos.” | True |
What is diakonos? | Servant or Deacon |
What are the offices of ministry. | Diakonos Presbuteros Episkopos |
True or False The rudiments of the office of deacon may hark back as early as Jesus’ Galilean ministry, when Luke said to Jesus that he was journeying from town to town and village to village proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. | True |
True or False The sequence of events leading to the creation of the office is carefully reported in Acts 2-6. | True |
The primitive Apostolic ministry focus on these four essential elements? | Teaching. didache Fellowship. Koinoia Breaking of bread. te klasei tou Artou Prayer. Proseuchais |
How were the seven deacons Ordained? | Acts 6:6 Luke says only that they were presented to apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them. |
Presbuteros | Priest |
Episkopos | Bishop |
The gifts of Ministry | The gift of the apostolate The gift of Prophecy The gift of Proclamation The gift of miracle The gift of healing The gift of ecstatic utterance The gift of teaching The gift of Administration |
What is the sacramental ministry? | The sacramental ministry is not a subsidiary, optional, or incidental duty, but central to Christ’s essential purpose in ministry.. |
What are the 5 days? | Born Baptized Confirmed Wedding Death |
The distinction between Prophet and Priest. | Prophets spoke for God to the people. Priest spoke for the people to God. |
What is the distinction between Priest and People. | A line as thin as a hair, but as hard as a diamond between ordained ministry and the faithful layperson. |
What is Timely Prayer? | The Christian minister representatively intercedes on behalf of the faithful community before God in prayer as a timely, public, verbal, bearable act. |
What is leitourgos? | Referred to a person who discharges a representative official function on behalf of others and more particularly a priestly or sacrificial service at the altar of God. |
What are some of the Axioms of Liturgical leadership? | It is God whom we worship. Worship requires some outward order to be accountable to its inner reality. The experienced liturgist comes especially to appreciate those recurrent... Even within the context of an orderly, recurrent memory, every discrete service of worship... Christian worship requires community. Christian worship of God cannot do without silence but neither can you do without words. Only music is capable of expressing much that occurs in worship. |
The improvement of Pastoral Prayer? | Let the prayer be agreeable to the sermon but do not turn it into a preaching prayer |
Do written prayers limit the Spirit. | It is a fanatical notion that we interfere with the Holy Spirit if we’ve made any preparation for prayer. the theological deficit in that assumption is that the Holy Spirit would not have a reason or use foresight or imagination or fit language. It assumes incorrectly that the only part of us that the spirit wishes to work through is emotive impulsivity and spontaneous feeling-flow. it assumed incorrectly that the Holy Spirit does not also work through discipline, reason, reflection, and organization. |
What role does the sacramental ministry serve? | The sacramental ministry is not a subsidiary, optional, or incidental duty, but central to Christ’s essential purpose in ministry. |
Are the sacraments meant to covet mystery? | No, Revealed |
True or False A familiar definition state sacrament ordained of Christ are not only badges or tokens of Christian profession but rather they are certain sure witnesses and effectual signs of grace and God is good will toward those by which he do with work invisible in us and do you do with not only quickens but also strengthens and confirms our faith in him? | True |
True or False We are born in Christ in baptism and to holy communion we are nurtured for Spain and it is hope eventually sanctified in Christ Jesus? | True |
__________ is intrinsically connected with the commission by the community to ______ and to sever _______. | Ordination Baptism Supper |
The ______ are those who have been called _______ by God to ministry and whose inward calls has been ________ affirmed by the visible church. | ordained inward outwardly |
The ________ presuppose that God has met us in history and that this meeting calls us to regular re-collection and re-enactment in order to experience God’s real presence in our ______. | sacraments midst. |
The grace of _____ is offered to us in and through the __________ in a way that we cannot grasp by our own moral efforts. | God Sacraments |
Water, bread and wine express promises not that we make to God but that God makes it to us to which we may respond in ______ ______. | obedient faith |
We are cleansed through _______ and fed through _______ . | water bread. |
Life in Christ begins with what two things? | A cleansing bath of repentance and pardon; it continues with nourishing food and drink. |
Broken bread bespeaks the brokenness of ________ for us. | Christ |
What are the differences between circumcision and the Passover versus baptism and Eucharist? | Circumcision and the Passover are considered signs and seals and are legal images. Hence , baptismal and the Eucharist are considered covenant between man and God. |
In addition to baptism and communion what are the other rights are being as sacraments in the Roman tradition? | Confirmation Penance ordination matrimony and last rites |
The service of ________ is the right of invitation into the community | Baptism |
The service of the _____ _______ is the means of nurturing the community in strength and health. | Lords supper |
The scriptural authority for the ministry of ________ is grounded in the great commission Matthew 28:19 | Baptism |
The ministry of the ________ includes more than officiating at the Lord supper although that is clearly at its heart. | Eucharist |
What are the four key phases of the celebration of the supper? | Oblation Eucharist Fraction Communion |
What is oblation? | Received from the people their offering or oblation. |
What is the Eucharist? | Minister offers “thanksgiving” to God as a representative on behalf of the people of God. Thanksgiving |
What is fraction? | The fraction of the bread signifies the brokenness of the body of Christ for us. |
What is communion? | A participation in the present resurrected life of the Lord. |
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