South America


Flashcards on South America, created by Li-Li Q on 02/05/2018.
Li-Li Q
Flashcards by Li-Li Q, updated more than 1 year ago
Li-Li Q
Created by Li-Li Q over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Pizarro Spanish explorer who landed on the western coast of S.A. and conquered the Inca with horses, guns, 200 soldiers
Simon Bolivar General who freed the northern parts of South America starting with a revolution in Venezuela
Jose San Martin General who defeated the Spanish in the southern part of South America
European countries colonizing South America Spain and Portugal
Inca's demise Inca’s civil war had weakened them, then defeated by Pizarro
Products sent from the colonies to Spain and Portugal Silver Sugar Gold
Causes of Native American deaths European disease and overwork
Reasons why southamericans wanted independence wanted to share in the political power and economic power; mestizos and mulattos wanted to be treated better
Models for independence revolutions French and american revolutions
OAS and its goals Organization of American States • Goals: economic cooperation, social justice, equality of people
Changes in population immigrants from Spain and Portugal changed the population • most people are mestizos (European and native) and mulattos (African and European) • After 1800s accompanied by other immigrants from other European nations
Transportation Corridors Definition : a path that makes transportation easier • Example : Amazon River
Transportation Barriers Definition : a geographical feature that slows or prevents transportation • Example : Rain forest, desert, Andes
Natural Resouces Exported minerals, copper, tin, gold, iron ore, lead, petroleum
Farm Exports beef, grain, sugar, bananas, coffee, wool
Brazil's industrial products cars, computers, televisions, planes
Free Trade ZOne people and goods move across borders without being taxed
Economic Indicators statistics that show how a country’s economy is doing – literacy rate, life expectancy
Urbanization Definition : many people have moved from the countryside to the city • Factors: growth of manufacturing jobs in the cities, poverty in rural areas, jobs, schools, health services available
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