

Pearson Science 2.3
Lina Ali
Flashcards by Lina Ali, updated more than 1 year ago
Lina Ali
Created by Lina Ali about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are nerve cells? Cells that make up your brain.
What are axons and what do they do? Very long fibres extending from the cell. They allow the cell to carry messages over long distances.
What do cardiac muscles make up? They make up the heart.
What are involuntary muscles? Muscles that work without you having to do anything or think about it.
What are skeletal muscles? Muscles that are attached to the bones of the skeleton.
What are multicellular organisms? Organisms that consist of more than one cell.
What do white fat cells do? They help the body fight infections.
What do Red Blood Cells do? They carry oxygen from your lungs around your body to the cells.
What is stomata? Tiny pores in leaves.
What are conducting cells? Cells that are specialised for transporting water and food.
What's is chlorophyll? The green chemical in chloroplasts that's traps the Sun's energy for photosynthesis.
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