flash cards


TCL3 Flashcards on flash cards , created by merilyn irene on 18/05/2018.
merilyn irene
Flashcards by merilyn irene, updated more than 1 year ago
merilyn irene
Created by merilyn irene almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
learders the head of a political party, group, or organization. ex: the learders in my group is bad
fight a battle, struggle, or angry disagreement. ex: in the morning fith a person in the park
surround the sensation that results when the organs of hearing are stimulated by certain vibrations. ex: you have to surround the store
slave one who is owned by and forced to work for another with no pay or personal rights. ex: the king has many slaves
slavery the ownership of one or more persons by another or others; bondage. ex: slavery is very hard
leadership the abilities or qualities, such as confidence, courage, and sound judgement, that make one a leader. ex: the leadership of my group is very good
view the act of looking at or observing; visual inspection; survey. ex: You have to view what happens
speech the faculty of communicating by speaking, or the act of speaking. ex: He speech many languages
shortly in a brief while; soon. ex: I'll shortly you again
cabin a small dwelling, usually rough and simple in style and construction. ex: the cabin is not working
follower one who pays close and regular attention to something. ex: he is a follower of someone famous
swamp a wet lowland area that is usually covered with water; marsh; bog. ex: the swamp is very green
birthplace the place of birth or origin, of a person or of an idea, movement, or the like. ex: his birthplace is chicago
slow not moving or able to move rapidly or fast. ex: the snail is very slow
build to create by joining various parts and materials; construct. ex: he built a house
festoon a decorative chain or strip of ribbons, flowers, leaves, or the like, suspended at the ends and hung in a curve. ex. the festoon of the room was very impressive
myth a story or body of stories based on tradition or legend, originating in the oral history of a preliterate society and incorporating its beliefs about the origins of the world ex: the myth of the stork
step the movement made by lifting one foot and placing it down in another place; motion used in walking. ex: he will take a big step to life
dwarf an imaginary creature like a little man, in children's stories ex: the snow white dwarf is called tontin
cannot the negative form of 'can' ex: I cannot predict what will happen.
guest someone who comes to visit you in your home, at a party, etc ex: We've got some guests coming this weekend.
harbour an area of water near the coast where ships are kept and are safe from the sea ex: the harbour is already open
moor an open area of hills covered with rough grass, especially in Britain ex: the Yorkshire moors
tidy having everything ordered and arranged in the right place, or liking to keep things like this ex: The house was clean and tidy.
sail to control a boat that has no engine and is pushed by the wind ex: He sailed the dinghy up the river.
mast a tall pole on a boat or ship that supports its sails ex: the mast is long
further o a greater distance or degree, or at a more advanced level ex: Every day she sinks further and further into depression.
shipwreck an accident in which a ship is destroyed or sunk at sea, especially by hitting rocks, or a ship that has been destroyed or sunk in such an accident ex: The danger of shipwreck is much greater in fog.
underwater under the surface of the water, especially under the surface of the sea ex: Some species of turtle can remain underwater for 24 hours.
pavement a path with a hard surface on one or both sides of a road, that people walk on ex: Keep to the pavement
footprint the mark made by a person's or animal's foot ex: it's a giant footprint
risk the possibility of something bad happening ex: In this business, the risks and the rewards are high.
failure he fact of someone or something not succeeding ex: Their attempt to climb Everest ended in failure.
drop to fall or to allow something to fall ex: She dropped her keys.
strike to refuse to continue working because of an argument with an employer about working conditions, pay levels, or job losses ex: Democratization has brought workers the right to strike and join a trade union.
design to make or draw plans for something ex: He's designed dresses for many celebrities, most famously the Queen.
valley an area of low land between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it ex: There was snow on the hill tops but not in the valley.
appeal a request to the public for money, information, or help ex: The appeal for people to donate blood was very successful.
item something that is part of a list or group of things ex: The restaurant has a long menu of about 50 items
injure to hurt or cause physical harm to a person or animal ex: She fell and injured her shoulder.
keyboard the set of keys on a computer or typewriter that you press in order to make it work ex: Switch off the computer and unplug the keyboard.
raise to lift something to a higher position ex: He raised the window and leaned out
reward something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work ex: There's a reward for whoever finishes first.
quick happening or done with great speed, or lasting only a short time ex: It's a quick journey.
desktop a view on a computer screen that contains icons ex: Click here to download a screensaver for your desktop.
amount a collection or mass, especially of something that cannot be counted ex: They didn't deliver the right amount of sand.
achieve to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort ex: She finally achieved her ambition to visit South America.
founder someone who establishes an organization ex: She is the founder and managing director of the company.
tough not easily broken or made weaker or defeated ex: You'll need some fairly tough footwear to go walking up mountains.
guess to give an answer to a particular question when you do not have all the facts and so cannot be certain if you are correct ex: I didn't know the answer, so I had to guess.
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